* Porto theme's main JavaScript file
/* Alternatives for old browsers */
if (!String.prototype.endsWith) {
String.prototype.endsWith = function(search, this_len) {
if (this_len === undefined || this_len > this.length) {
this_len = this.length;
return this.substring(this_len - search.length, this_len) === search;
if (window.NodeList && !NodeList.prototype.forEach) {
NodeList.prototype.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach;
if (!String.prototype.trim) {
String.prototype.trim = function () {
return this.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, '');
/* Smart Resize */
'use strict';
// debouncing function from John Hann
// http://unscriptable.com/index.php/2009/03/20/debouncing-javascript-methods/
var debounce = function (func, threshold, execAsap) {
var timeout;
return function debounced () {
var obj = this, args = arguments;
function delayed () {
if (!execAsap)
func.apply(obj, args);
timeout = null;
if (timeout && timeout.val)
else if (execAsap)
func.apply(obj, args);
timeout = theme.requestTimeout(delayed, threshold || 100);
// smartresize
jQuery.fn[sr] = function(fn){ return fn ? this.on('resize', debounce(fn)) : this.trigger(sr); };
/* easing */
jQuery.extend( jQuery.easing, {
def: 'easeOutQuad',
swing: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
return jQuery.easing[jQuery.easing.def](x, t, b, c, d);
easeOutQuad: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
return -c *(t/=d)*(t-2) + b;
easeInOutQuart: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t*t*t + b;
return -c/2 * ((t-=2)*t*t*t - 2) + b;
easeOutQuint: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
return c*((t=t/d-1)*t*t*t*t + 1) + b;
* Copyright 2012, Digital Fusion
* Licensed under the MIT license.
* http://teamdf.com/jquery-plugins/license/
* @author Sam Sehnert
* @desc A small plugin that checks whether elements are within
* the user visible viewport of a web browser.
* only accounts for vertical position, not horizontal.
$.fn.visible = function(partial,hidden,direction,container){
if (this.length < 1)
var $t = this.length > 1 ? this.eq(0) : this,
isContained = typeof container !== 'undefined' && container !== null,
$w = isContained ? $(container) : $(window),
wPosition = isContained ? $w.position() : 0,
t = $t.get(0),
vpWidth = $w.outerWidth(),
vpHeight = $w.outerHeight(),
direction = (direction) ? direction : 'both',
clientSize = hidden === true ? t.offsetWidth * t.offsetHeight : true;
if (typeof t.getBoundingClientRect === 'function'){
// Use this native browser method, if available.
var rec = t.getBoundingClientRect(),
tViz = isContained ?
rec.top - wPosition.top >= 0 && rec.top < vpHeight + wPosition.top :
rec.top >= 0 && rec.top < vpHeight,
bViz = isContained ?
rec.bottom - wPosition.top > 0 && rec.bottom <= vpHeight + wPosition.top :
rec.bottom > 0 && rec.bottom <= vpHeight,
lViz = isContained ?
rec.left - wPosition.left >= 0 && rec.left < vpWidth + wPosition.left :
rec.left >= 0 && rec.left < vpWidth,
rViz = isContained ?
rec.right - wPosition.left > 0 && rec.right < vpWidth + wPosition.left :
rec.right > 0 && rec.right <= vpWidth,
vVisible = partial ? tViz || bViz : tViz && bViz,
hVisible = partial ? lViz || rViz : lViz && rViz;
if(direction === 'both')
return clientSize && vVisible && hVisible;
else if(direction === 'vertical')
return clientSize && vVisible;
else if(direction === 'horizontal')
return clientSize && hVisible;
} else {
var viewTop = isContained ? 0 : wPosition,
viewBottom = viewTop + vpHeight,
viewLeft = $w.scrollLeft(),
viewRight = viewLeft + vpWidth,
position = $t.position(),
_top = position.top,
_bottom = _top + $t.height(),
_left = position.left,
_right = _left + $t.width(),
compareTop = partial === true ? _bottom : _top,
compareBottom = partial === true ? _top : _bottom,
compareLeft = partial === true ? _right : _left,
compareRight = partial === true ? _left : _right;
if(direction === 'both')
return !!clientSize && ((compareBottom <= viewBottom) && (compareTop >= viewTop)) && ((compareRight <= viewRight) && (compareLeft >= viewLeft));
else if(direction === 'vertical')
return !!clientSize && ((compareBottom <= viewBottom) && (compareTop >= viewTop));
else if(direction === 'horizontal')
return !!clientSize && ((compareRight <= viewRight) && (compareLeft >= viewLeft));
Name: Porto Theme Javascript
Writtern By: P-THEMES
Javascript Version: 1.2
// Theme
window.theme = {};
// Configuration
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
$.extend(theme, {
rtl: js_porto_vars.rtl == '1' ? true : false,
rtl_browser: $('html').hasClass('browser-rtl'),
ajax_url: js_porto_vars.ajax_url,
request_error: js_porto_vars.request_error,
change_logo: js_porto_vars.change_logo == '1' ? true : false,
show_sticky_header: js_porto_vars.show_sticky_header == '1' ? true : false,
show_sticky_header_tablet: js_porto_vars.show_sticky_header_tablet == '1' ? true : false,
show_sticky_header_mobile: js_porto_vars.show_sticky_header_mobile == '1' ? true : false,
category_ajax: js_porto_vars.category_ajax == '1' ? true : false,
prdctfltr_ajax: js_porto_vars.prdctfltr_ajax == '1' ? true : false,
container_width: parseInt(js_porto_vars.container_width),
grid_gutter_width: parseInt(js_porto_vars.grid_gutter_width),
screen_lg: parseInt(js_porto_vars.screen_lg),
slider_loop: js_porto_vars.slider_loop == '1' ? true : false,
slider_autoplay: js_porto_vars.slider_autoplay == '1' ? true : false,
slider_autoheight: js_porto_vars.slider_autoheight == '1' ? true : false,
slider_speed: js_porto_vars.slider_speed ? js_porto_vars.slider_speed : 5000,
slider_nav: js_porto_vars.slider_nav == '1' ? true : false,
slider_nav_hover: js_porto_vars.slider_nav_hover == '1' ? true : false,
slider_margin: js_porto_vars.slider_margin == '1' ? 40 : 0,
slider_dots: js_porto_vars.slider_dots == '1' ? true : false,
slider_animatein: js_porto_vars.slider_animatein ? js_porto_vars.slider_animatein : '',
slider_animateout: js_porto_vars.slider_animateout ? js_porto_vars.slider_animateout : '',
product_thumbs_count: js_porto_vars.product_thumbs_count ? js_porto_vars.product_thumbs_count : 4,
product_zoom: js_porto_vars.product_zoom == '1' ? true : false,
product_zoom_mobile: js_porto_vars.product_zoom_mobile == '1' ? true : false,
product_image_popup: js_porto_vars.product_image_popup == '1' ? 'fadeOut' : false,
owlConfig: {
rtl: js_porto_vars.rtl == '1' ? true : false,
loop : js_porto_vars.slider_loop == '1' ? true : false,
autoplay : js_porto_vars.slider_autoplay == '1' ? true : false,
autoHeight : js_porto_vars.slider_autoheight == '1' ? true : false,
autoplayTimeout: js_porto_vars.slider_speed ? js_porto_vars.slider_speed : 7000,
autoplayHoverPause : true,
lazyLoad: true,
nav: js_porto_vars.slider_nav == '1' ? true : false,
navText: ["", ""],
dots: js_porto_vars.slider_dots == '1' ? true : false,
stagePadding: (js_porto_vars.slider_nav_hover != '1' && js_porto_vars.slider_margin == '1') ? 40 : 0,
animateOut: js_porto_vars.slider_animateout ? js_porto_vars.slider_animateout : '',
animateIn: js_porto_vars.slider_animatein ? js_porto_vars.slider_animatein : ''
sticky_nav_height: 0,
is_device_mobile: /(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows (ce|phone)|xda|xiino/i.test(navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera)||/1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i.test((navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera).substr(0,4)),
getScrollbarWidth: function() {
// thx David
if (this.scrollbarSize === undefined) {
var scrollDiv = document.createElement("div");
scrollDiv.style.cssText = 'width: 99px; height: 99px; overflow: scroll; position: absolute; top: -9999px;';
this.scrollbarSize = scrollDiv.offsetWidth - scrollDiv.clientWidth;
return this.scrollbarSize;
isTablet: function() {
if (window.innerWidth < 992)
return true;
return false;
isMobile: function() {
if (window.innerWidth <= 480)
return true;
return false;
refreshVCContent: function($elements) {
if ($elements || $(document.body).hasClass('elementor-page')) {
if (typeof window.vc_js == 'function')
$(document.body).trigger('porto_refresh_vc_content', [$elements]);
adminBarHeight: function() {
var obj = document.getElementById('wpadminbar');
if (obj && obj.offsetHeight && window.innerWidth > 600) {
return obj.offsetHeight;
return 0;
refreshStickySidebar: function(timeout) {
var $sticky_sidebar = $('.sidebar [data-plugin-sticky]');
if ($sticky_sidebar.get(0)) {
if (timeout) {
theme.requestTimeout(function() {
}, 400);
} else {
scrolltoContainer: function( $container, timeout ) {
if ($container.get(0)) {
if (window.innerWidth < 992) {
if (!timeout) {
timeout = 600;
$('html, body').stop().animate({
scrollTop: $container.offset().top - theme.StickyHeader.sticky_height - theme.adminBarHeight() - theme.sticky_nav_height - 18
}, timeout, 'easeOutQuad');
requestFrame: function(fn) {
var handler = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame;
if ( ! handler ) {
return setTimeout( fn, 1000 / 60 );
var rt = new Object()
rt.val = handler(fn);
return rt;
requestTimeout: function(fn, delay) {
var handler = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame;
if ( ! handler ) {
return setTimeout(fn, delay);
var start, rt = new Object();
function loop( timestamp ) {
if ( ! start ) {
start = timestamp;
var progress = timestamp - start;
progress >= delay ? fn.call() : rt.val = handler( loop );
rt.val = handler( loop );
return rt;
deleteTimeout: function( timeoutID ) {
if ( ! timeoutID ) {
var handler = window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelAnimationFrame;
if ( ! handler ) {
return clearTimeout( timeoutID );
if ( timeoutID.val ) {
return handler( timeoutID.val );
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
/* browser select */
(function($) {
'use strict';
browserSelector: function() {
// Touch
var hasTouch = 'ontouchstart' in window || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints;
var u = navigator.userAgent,
ua = u.toLowerCase(),
is = function (t) {
return ua.indexOf(t) > -1;
g = 'gecko',
w = 'webkit',
s = 'safari',
o = 'opera',
h = document.documentElement,
b = [(!(/opera|webtv/i.test(ua)) && /msie\s(\d)/.test(ua)) ? ('ie ie' + parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE")[1])) : is('firefox/2') ? g + ' ff2' : is('firefox/3.5') ? g + ' ff3 ff3_5' : is('firefox/3') ? g + ' ff3' : is('gecko/') ? g : is('opera') ? o + (/version\/(\d+)/.test(ua) ? ' ' + o + RegExp.jQuery1 : (/opera(\s|\/)(\d+)/.test(ua) ? ' ' + o + RegExp.jQuery2 : '')) : is('konqueror') ? 'konqueror' : is('chrome') ? w + ' chrome' : is('iron') ? w + ' iron' : is('applewebkit/') ? w + ' ' + s + (/version\/(\d+)/.test(ua) ? ' ' + s + RegExp.jQuery1 : '') : is('mozilla/') ? g : '', is('j2me') ? 'mobile' : is('iphone') ? 'iphone' : is('ipod') ? 'ipod' : is('mac') ? 'mac' : is('darwin') ? 'mac' : is('webtv') ? 'webtv' : is('win') ? 'win' : is('freebsd') ? 'freebsd' : (is('x11') || is('linux')) ? 'linux' : '', 'js'];
var c = b.join(' ');
if (theme.is_device_mobile) {
c += ' mobile';
if (hasTouch) {
c += ' touch';
h.className += ' ' + c;
// IE11 Detect
var isIE11 = !(window.ActiveXObject) && "ActiveXObject" in window;
if (isIE11) {
$('html').removeClass('gecko').addClass('ie ie11');
// Appear
var checks = [],
timerId = false,
a, b, o, x, y, ax, ay,
retryCounter = 0,
has_event = false;
var checkAll = function() {
if (!checks.length) {
if (retryCounter > 10) {
window.removeEventListener('scroll', checkAll);
window.removeEventListener('resize', checkAll);
} else {
for ( var i = checks.length; i--; ) {
one = checks[i];
a = window.pageXOffset;
b = window.pageYOffset;
o = one.el.getBoundingClientRect();
x = o.left + a;
y = o.top + b;
ax = one.options.accX;
ay = one.options.accY;
if (y + o.height + ay >= b &&
y <= b + window.innerHeight + ay &&
x + o.width + ax >= a &&
x <= a + window.innerWidth + ax) {
one.fn.call(one.el, one.data);
checks.splice(i, 1);
timerId = false;
window.theme.appear = function(el, fn, options) {
var settings = {
data: undefined,
accX: 0,
accY: 0
if ( options ) {
options.data && ( settings.data = options.data );
options.accX && ( settings.accX = options.accX );
options.accY && ( settings.accY = options.accY );
checks.push({ el: el, fn: fn, options: settings });
if ( ! timerId ) {
timerId = theme.requestTimeout(checkAll, 100);
if ( ! has_event ) {
jQuery(document.body).on('appear_refresh', checkAll);
window.addEventListener('scroll', checkAll, {passive: true});
window.addEventListener('resize', checkAll);
has_event = true;
// Accordion
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__accordion';
var Accordion = function($el, opts) {
return this.initialize($el, opts);
Accordion.defaults = {
Accordion.prototype = {
initialize: function($el, opts) {
if ($el.data(instanceName)) {
return this;
this.$el = $el;
return this;
setData: function() {
this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this;
setOptions: function(opts) {
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, Accordion.defaults, opts, {
wrapper: this.$el
return this;
build: function() {
if (!($.isFunction($.fn.collapse))) {
return this;
var $el = this.options.wrapper,
$collapse = $el.find('.collapse'),
collapsible = $el.data('collapsible'),
active_num = $el.data('active-tab');
if ( $collapse.length > 0 ) {
if ( $el.data('use-accordion') && 'yes' == $el.data('use-accordion') ) {
$el.find('.collapse').attr('data-parent', '#' + $el.attr('id'));
if ( collapsible == 'yes' ) {
$collapse.collapse({toggle: false, parent: '#' + $el.attr('id')});
} else if ( !isNaN(active_num) && active_num == parseInt(active_num) && $el.find('.collapse').length > active_num ) {
$el.find('.collapse').collapse({toggle: false, parent: '#' + $el.attr('id')});
} else {
$el.find('.collapse').collapse({parent: '#' + $el.attr('id')});
return this;
// expose to scope
$.extend(theme, {
Accordion: Accordion
// jquery plugin
$.fn.themeAccordion = function(opts) {
return this.map(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) {
return $this.data(instanceName);
} else {
return new theme.Accordion($this, opts);
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Accordion Menu
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__accordionMenu';
var AccordionMenu = function($el, opts) {
return this.initialize($el, opts);
AccordionMenu.defaults = {
AccordionMenu.prototype = {
initialize: function($el, opts) {
if ($el.data(instanceName)) {
return this;
this.$el = $el;
return this;
setData: function() {
this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this;
setOptions: function(opts) {
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, AccordionMenu.defaults, opts, {
wrapper: this.$el
return this;
build: function() {
var self = this,
$el = this.options.wrapper;
$el.find('li.menu-item.active').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.find('> .arrow').get(0))
$this.find('> .arrow').click();
$el.find('.arrow').on('click', function() {
var $this = $(this),
$parent = $this.closest('li');
if (typeof self.options.open_one != 'undefined') {
} else {
if ($parent.hasClass('open')) {
} else {
return this;
// expose to scope
$.extend(theme, {
AccordionMenu: AccordionMenu
// jquery plugin
$.fn.themeAccordionMenu = function(opts) {
return this.map(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) {
return $this.data(instanceName);
} else {
return new theme.AccordionMenu($this, opts);
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Lazyload Menu
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
// expose to scope
$.extend(theme, {
lazyload_menu: function($el, menu_type) {
if (!js_porto_vars.lazyload_menu) {
if (menu_type) {
window.location.href, {
action: 'porto_lazyload_menu',
menu_type: menu_type,
nonce: js_porto_vars.porto_nonce
function(data) {
if (data) {
var $data = $(data);
if ('mobile_menu' != menu_type) {
$el.each(function(i) {
var $menu = $(this),
$main_menu = $data.children('.mega-menu, .sidebar-menu').eq(i);
$menu.children('li.menu-item-has-children').each(function(index) {
var popup = $main_menu.children('li.menu-item-has-children').eq(index).children('.popup, .sub-menu');
if (popup.hasClass('popup')) {
popup = popup.children('.inner');
if (popup.length) {
if ($(this).children('.popup').length) {
} else {
if ($menu.hasClass('mega-menu')) {
} else {
if ($menu.hasClass('side-menu-accordion')) {
} else {
if ($data.find('#nav-panel, #side-nav-panel').length || 'mobile_menu' == menu_type) {
if ($('#nav-panel').length) {
$('#nav-panel .mobile-nav-wrap').replaceWith($data.find('.mobile-nav-wrap'));
$('#nav-panel .accordion-menu').themeAccordionMenu();
} else if ($('#side-nav-panel').length) {
$('#side-nav-panel .accordion-menu').themeAccordionMenu();
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Animate
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__animate';
var Animate = function($el, opts) {
return this.initialize($el, opts);
Animate.defaults = {
accX: 0,
accY: -120,
delay: 1,
duration: 1000
Animate.prototype = {
initialize: function($el, opts) {
if ($el.data(instanceName)) {
return this;
this.$el = $el;
return this;
setData: function() {
this.$el.data(instanceName, true);
return this;
setOptions: function(opts) {
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, Animate.defaults, opts, {
wrapper: this.$el
return this;
build: function() {
var self = this,
$el = this.options.wrapper,
delay = 0,
duration = 0;
if (!$('html').hasClass('no-csstransitions') && window.innerWidth > 767) {
var el_obj = $el.get(0);
theme.appear(el_obj, function() {
delay = Math.abs($el.data('appear-animation-delay') ? $el.data('appear-animation-delay') : self.options.delay);
if (delay > 1) {
el_obj.style.animationDelay = delay + 'ms';
duration = Math.abs($el.data('appear-animation-duration') ? $el.data('appear-animation-duration') : self.options.duration);
if (duration != 1000) {
el_obj.style.animationDuration = duration + 'ms';
if ($el.find('.porto-lazyload:not(.lazy-load-loaded)').length) {
$el.addClass($el.data('appear-animation') + ' appear-animation-visible');
/*if (delay) {
theme.requestTimeout(function() {
if ($el.find('.porto-lazyload:not(.lazy-load-loaded)').length) {
}, delay);
} else {
if ($el.find('.porto-lazyload:not(.lazy-load-loaded)').length) {
}, {
accX: self.options.accX,
accY: self.options.accY
} else {
return this;
// expose to scope
$.extend(theme, {
Animate: Animate
// jquery plugin
$.fn.themeAnimate = function(opts) {
return this.map(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) {
return $this;
} else {
return new theme.Animate($this, opts);
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Carousel
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__carousel';
var Carousel = function($el, opts) {
return this.initialize($el, opts);
Carousel.defaults = $.extend({}, {
loop: true,
navText: [],
themeConfig: false,
lazyLoad: true,
lg: 0,
md: 0,
sm: 0,
xs: 0,
single: false,
rtl: theme.rtl
Carousel.prototype = {
initialize: function($el, opts) {
if ($el.data(instanceName)) {
return this;
this.$el = $el;
return this;
setData: function() {
this.$el.data(instanceName, true);
return this;
setOptions: function(opts) {
if ((opts && opts.themeConfig) || !opts) {
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, Carousel.defaults, theme.owlConfig, opts, {
wrapper: this.$el,
themeConfig: true
} else {
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, Carousel.defaults, opts, {
wrapper: this.$el
return this;
calcOwlHeight: function($el) {
var h = 0;
$el.find('.owl-item.active').each(function() {
if (h < $(this).height())
h = $(this).height();
$el.children('.owl-stage-outer').height( h );
build: function() {
if (!($.isFunction($.fn.owlCarousel))) {
return this;
var $el = this.options.wrapper,
loop = this.options.loop,
lg = this.options.lg,
md = this.options.md,
sm = this.options.sm,
xs = this.options.xs,
single = this.options.single,
zoom = $el.find('.zoom').get(0),
responsive = {},
count = $el.find('.owl-item').length > 0 ? $el.find('.owl-item:not(.cloned)').length : $el.find('> *').length,
fullscreen = typeof this.options.fullscreen == 'undefined' ? false : this.options.fullscreen,
// Add default responsive options
scrollWidth = theme.getScrollbarWidth();
/*if (fullscreen) {
$el.children().width(window.innerWidth - theme.getScrollbarWidth());
$el.children().height($el.closest('.fullscreen-carousel').length ? $el.closest('.fullscreen-carousel').height() : window.innerHeight);
$el.children().css('max-height', '100%');
$(window).on('resize', function() {
$el.find('.owl-item').children().width(window.innerWidth - theme.getScrollbarWidth());
$el.find('.owl-item').children().height($el.closest('.fullscreen-carousel').length ? $el.closest('.fullscreen-carousel').height() : window.innerHeight);
$el.find('.owl-item').children().css('max-height', '100%');
if (single) {
items = 1;
} else if (typeof this.options.responsive != 'undefined') {
for (var w in this.options.responsive) {
var number_items = Number(this.options.responsive[w]);
responsive[Number(w)] = {items: number_items, loop: (loop && count >= number_items) ? true : false};
} else {
items = this.options.items ? this.options.items : (lg ? lg : 1);
if (this.options.xl) {
responsive[1400 - scrollWidth] = { items: this.options.xl, loop: (loop && count > this.options.xl) ? true : false, mergeFit: this.options.mergeFit };
} else {
if (items > lg + 1) {
responsive[1400 - scrollWidth] = { items: items, loop: (loop && count > items) ? true : false, mergeFit: this.options.mergeFit };
responsive[theme.screen_lg - scrollWidth] = { items: lg + 1, loop: (loop && count > lg + 1) ? true : false, mergeFit: this.options.mergeFit };
if (typeof responsive[theme.screen_lg - scrollWidth] == 'undefined') {
responsive[theme.screen_lg - scrollWidth] = { items: items, loop: (loop && count > items) ? true : false, mergeFit: this.options.mergeFit };
if (lg) responsive[992 - scrollWidth] = { items: lg, loop: (loop && count > lg) ? true : false, mergeFit: this.options.mergeFit_lg };
if (md) responsive[768 - scrollWidth] = { items: md, loop: (loop && count > md) ? true : false, mergeFit: this.options.mergeFit_md };
if (sm) {
responsive[576 - scrollWidth] = { items: sm, loop: (loop && count > sm) ? true : false, mergeFit: this.options.mergeFit_sm };
} else {
responsive[576 - scrollWidth] = { items: 1, mergeFit: false };
if (xs) {
responsive[0] = { items: xs, loop: (loop && count > xs) ? true : false, mergeFit: this.options.mergeFit_xs };
} else {
responsive[0] = { items: 1 };
if (!$el.hasClass('show-nav-title') && this.options.themeConfig && theme.slider_nav && theme.slider_nav_hover) {
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this.options, {
items: items,
loop: (loop && count > items) ? true : false,
responsive: responsive,
onInitialized: function() {
if ($el.hasClass('stage-margin')) {
'margin-left': this.options.stagePadding,
'margin-right': this.options.stagePadding
var heading_cls = '.porto-u-heading, .vc_custom_heading, .slider-title, .elementor-widget-heading, .porto-heading';
if ($el.hasClass('show-dots-title') && ($el.prev(heading_cls).length || $el.closest('.slider-wrapper').prev(heading_cls).length || $el.closest('.porto-recent-posts').prev(heading_cls).length || $el.closest('.elementor-widget-porto_recent_posts, .elementor-section').prev(heading_cls).length)) {
var $obj = $el.prev(heading_cls);
if (!$obj.length) {
$obj = $el.closest('.slider-wrapper').prev(heading_cls);
if (!$obj.length) {
$obj = $el.closest('.porto-recent-posts').prev(heading_cls);
if (!$obj.length) {
$obj = $el.closest('.elementor-widget-porto_recent_posts, .elementor-section').prev(heading_cls);
try {
var innerWidth = $obj.addClass('w-auto').css('display', 'inline-block').width();
$obj.removeClass('w-auto').css('display', '');
if (innerWidth + 15 + $el.find('.owl-dots').width() <= $obj.width()) {
$el.find('.owl-dots').css('left', innerWidth + 15 + ($el.width() - $obj.width()) / 2);
$el.find('.owl-dots').css('top', -1 * $obj.height() / 2 - parseInt($obj.css('margin-bottom')) - $el.find('.owl-dots').height() / 2 + 2);
} else {
$el.find('.owl-dots').css('position', 'static');
} catch(e) {}
touchDrag: (count == 1) ? false : true,
mouseDrag: (count == 1) ? false : true
// Auto Height Fixes
if (this.options.autoHeight) {
var thisobj = this;
$(window).on('resize', function() {
$(window).on('load', function() {
var links = false;
if (zoom) {
links = [];
var i = 0;
$el.find('.zoom').each(function() {
var slide = {},
$zoom = $(this);
slide.src = $zoom.data('src');
slide.title = $zoom.data('title');
links[i] = slide;
$zoom.data('index', i);
if ($el.hasClass('show-nav-title')) {
this.options.stagePadding = 0;
} else {
if (this.options.themeConfig && theme.slider_nav && theme.slider_nav_hover)
if (this.options.themeConfig && !theme.slider_nav_hover && theme.slider_margin)
if (zoom && links) {
$el.on('click', '.zoom', function(e) {
if ($.fn.magnificPopup) {
$.magnificPopup.open($.extend(true, {}, theme.mfpConfig, {
items: links,
gallery: {
enabled: true
type: 'image'
}), $(this).data('index'));
return false;
return this;
// expose to scope
$.extend(theme, {
Carousel: Carousel
// jquery plugin
$.fn.themeCarousel = function(opts, zoom) {
return this.map(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) {
return $this;
} else {
return new theme.Carousel($this, opts, zoom);
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Chart Circular
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__chartCircular';
var ChartCircular = function($el, opts) {
return this.initialize($el, opts);
ChartCircular.defaults = {
accX: 0,
accY: -150,
delay: 1,
barColor: '#0088CC',
trackColor: '#f2f2f2',
scaleColor: false,
scaleLength: 5,
lineCap: 'round',
lineWidth: 13,
size: 175,
rotate: 0,
animate: ({
duration: 2500,
enabled: true
ChartCircular.prototype = {
initialize: function($el, opts) {
if ($el.data(instanceName)) {
return this;
this.$el = $el;
return this;
setData: function() {
this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this;
setOptions: function(opts) {
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, ChartCircular.defaults, opts, {
wrapper: this.$el
return this;
build: function() {
if (!($.isFunction($.fn.easyPieChart))) {
return this;
var self = this,
$el = this.options.wrapper,
value = ($el.attr('data-percent') ? $el.attr('data-percent') : 0),
percentEl = $el.find('.percent');
if (!value) value = 1;
var labelValue = this.options.labelValue ? this.options.labelValue : value;
$.extend(true, self.options, {
onStep: function(from, to, currentValue) {
percentEl.html(parseInt(labelValue * currentValue / value));
$el.attr('data-percent', 0);
theme.appear($el.get(0), function() {
var handler;
if (Number(self.options.delay) <= 1000 / 60) {
handler = theme.requestFrame;
} else {
handler = theme.requestTimeout;
handler(function() {
$el.attr('data-percent', value);
}, self.options.delay);
}, {
accX: self.options.accX,
accY: self.options.accY
return this;
// expose to scope
$.extend(theme, {
ChartCircular: ChartCircular
// jquery plugin
$.fn.themeChartCircular = function(opts) {
return this.map(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) {
return $this.data(instanceName);
} else {
return new theme.ChartCircular($this, opts);
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Fit Video
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__fitVideo';
var FitVideo = function($el, opts) {
return this.initialize($el, opts);
FitVideo.defaults = {
FitVideo.prototype = {
initialize: function($el, opts) {
if ($el.data(instanceName)) {
return this;
this.$el = $el;
return this;
setData: function() {
this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this;
setOptions: function(opts) {
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, FitVideo.defaults, opts, {
wrapper: this.$el
return this;
build: function() {
if (!($.isFunction($.fn.fitVids))) {
return this;
var $el = this.options.wrapper;
$(window).on('resize', function() {
return this;
// expose to scope
$.extend(theme, {
FitVideo: FitVideo
// jquery plugin
$.fn.themeFitVideo = function(opts) {
return this.map(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) {
return $this.data(instanceName);
} else {
return new theme.FitVideo($this, opts);
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
/* Porto Video Background */
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__videobackground';
var PluginVideoBackground = function($el, opts) {
return this.initialize($el, opts);
PluginVideoBackground.defaults = {
overlay: true,
volume: 1,
playbackRate: 1,
muted: true,
loop: true,
autoplay: true,
position: '50% 50%',
posterType: 'detect'
PluginVideoBackground.prototype = {
initialize: function($el, opts) {
this.$el = $el;
return this;
setData: function() {
this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this;
setOptions: function(opts) {
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginVideoBackground.defaults, opts, {
path: this.$el.data('video-path'),
wrapper: this.$el
return this;
build: function() {
if (!($.isFunction($.fn.vide)) || (!this.options.path)) {
return this;
if (this.options.overlay) {
this.options.wrapper.vide(this.options.path, this.options);
return this;
// expose to scope
$.extend(theme, {
PluginVideoBackground: PluginVideoBackground
// jquery plugin
$.fn.themePluginVideoBackground = function(opts) {
return this.map(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) {
return $this.data(instanceName);
} else {
return new PluginVideoBackground($this, opts);
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Flickr Zoom
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__flickrZoom';
var FlickrZoom = function($el, opts) {
return this.initialize($el, opts);
FlickrZoom.defaults = {
FlickrZoom.prototype = {
initialize: function($el, opts) {
if ($el.data(instanceName)) {
return this;
this.$el = $el;
return this;
setData: function() {
this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this;
setOptions: function(opts) {
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, FlickrZoom.defaults, opts, {
wrapper: this.$el
return this;
build: function() {
var $el = this.options.wrapper,
links = [],
i = 0,
$flickr_links = $el.find('.flickr_badge_image > a');
$flickr_links.each(function() {
var slide = {},
$image = $(this).find('> img');
slide.src = $image.attr('src').replace('_s.', '_b.');
slide.title = $image.attr('title');
links[i] = slide;
$flickr_links.on('click', function(e) {
if ($.fn.magnificPopup) {
$.magnificPopup.open($.extend(true, {}, theme.mfpConfig, {
items: links,
gallery: {
enabled: true
type: 'image'
}), $flickr_links.index($(this)));
return this;
// expose to scope
$.extend(theme, {
FlickrZoom: FlickrZoom
// jquery plugin
$.fn.themeFlickrZoom = function(opts) {
return this.map(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) {
return $this.data(instanceName);
} else {
return new theme.FlickrZoom($this, opts);
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Lazy Load
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__lazyload';
var PluginLazyLoad = function($el, opts) {
return this.initialize($el, opts);
PluginLazyLoad.defaults = {
effect: 'show',
appearEffect: '',
appear: function(elements_left, settings) {
load: function(elements_left, settings) {
$(this).addClass('lazy-load-loaded ' + settings.appearEffect.trim());
PluginLazyLoad.prototype = {
initialize: function($el, opts) {
if ($el.data(instanceName)) {
return this;
this.$el = $el;
return this;
setData: function() {
this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this;
setOptions: function(opts) {
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginLazyLoad.defaults, opts, {
wrapper: this.$el
return this;
build: function() {
if (!($.isFunction($.fn.lazyload))) {
return this;
var self = this;
return this;
// expose to scope
$.extend(theme, {
PluginLazyLoad: PluginLazyLoad
// jquery plugin
$.fn.themePluginLazyLoad = function(opts) {
return this.map(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) {
return $this.data(instanceName);
} else {
return new PluginLazyLoad($this, opts);
/*var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) {
return $this.data(instanceName);
} else {
return new PluginLazyLoad($this, opts);
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Loading Overlay
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
var loadingOverlayTemplate = [
var LoadingOverlay = function( $wrapper, options ) {
return this.initialize( $wrapper, options );
LoadingOverlay.prototype = {
options: {
css: {}
initialize: function( $wrapper, options ) {
this.$wrapper = $wrapper;
.setOptions( options )
this.$wrapper.data( 'loadingOverlay', this );
setVars: function() {
this.$overlay = this.$wrapper.find('.loading-overlay');
return this;
setOptions: function( options ) {
if ( !this.$overlay.get(0) ) {
this.options = $.extend( true, {}, this.options, options );
this.loaderClass = this.getLoaderClass( this.options.css.backgroundColor );
return this;
build: function() {
if ( !this.$overlay.closest(document.documentElement).get(0) ) {
if ( !this.$cachedOverlay ) {
this.$overlay = $( loadingOverlayTemplate ).clone();
if ( this.options.css ) {
this.$overlay.css( this.options.css );
this.$overlay.find( '.loader' ).addClass( this.loaderClass );
} else {
this.$overlay = this.$cachedOverlay.clone();
this.$wrapper.append( this.$overlay );
if ( !this.$cachedOverlay ) {
this.$cachedOverlay = this.$overlay.clone();
return this;
events: function() {
var _self = this;
if ( this.options.startShowing ) {
if ( this.$wrapper.is('body') || this.options.hideOnWindowLoad ) {
$( window ).on( 'load error', function() {
if ( this.options.listenOn ) {
$( this.options.listenOn )
.on( 'loading-overlay:show beforeSend.ic', function( e ) {
.on( 'loading-overlay:hide complete.ic', function( e ) {
.on( 'loading-overlay:show beforeSend.ic', function( e ) {
.on( 'loading-overlay:hide complete.ic', function( e ) {
return this;
show: function() {
this.position = this.$wrapper.css( 'position' ).toLowerCase();
if ( this.position != 'relative' || this.position != 'absolute' || this.position != 'fixed' ) {
position: 'relative'
this.$wrapper.addClass( 'loading-overlay-showing' );
hide: function() {
var _self = this;
this.$wrapper.removeClass( 'loading-overlay-showing' );
setTimeout(function() {
if ( this.position != 'relative' || this.position != 'absolute' || this.position != 'fixed' ) {
_self.$wrapper.css({ position: '' });
}, 500);
matchProperties: function() {
var i,
properties = [
l = properties.length;
for( i = 0; i < l; i++ ) {
var obj = {};
obj[ properties[ i ] ] = this.$wrapper.css( properties[ i ] );
$.extend( this.options.css, obj );
getLoaderClass: function( backgroundColor ) {
if ( !backgroundColor || backgroundColor === 'transparent' || backgroundColor === 'inherit' ) {
return 'black';
var hexColor,
var colorToHex = function( color ){
var hex,
if( color.indexOf('#') >- 1 ){
hex = color.replace('#', '');
} else {
rgb = color.match(/\d+/g);
hex = ('0' + parseInt(rgb[0], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) + ('0' + parseInt(rgb[1], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) + ('0' + parseInt(rgb[2], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2);
if ( hex.length === 3 ) {
hex = hex + hex;
return hex;
hexColor = colorToHex( backgroundColor );
r = parseInt( hexColor.substr( 0, 2), 16 );
g = parseInt( hexColor.substr( 2, 2), 16 );
b = parseInt( hexColor.substr( 4, 2), 16 );
yiq = ((r * 299) + (g * 587) + (b * 114)) / 1000;
return ( yiq >= 128 ) ? 'black' : 'white';
// expose to scope
$.extend(theme, {
LoadingOverlay: LoadingOverlay
// expose as a jquery plugin
$.fn.loadingOverlay = function( opts ) {
return this.each(function() {
var $this = $( this );
var loadingOverlay = $this.data( 'loadingOverlay' );
if ( loadingOverlay ) {
return loadingOverlay;
} else {
var options = opts || $this.data( 'loading-overlay-options' ) || {};
return new LoadingOverlay( $this, options );
// auto init
$(function() {
$('body.loading-overlay-showing, [data-loading-overlay]').loadingOverlay();
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Masonry
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__masonry';
var Masonry = function($el, opts) {
return this.initialize($el, opts);
Masonry.defaults = {
itemSelector: 'li',
isOriginLeft : !theme.rtl
Masonry.prototype = {
initialize: function($el, opts) {
if ($el.data(instanceName)) {
return this;
this.$el = $el;
return this;
setData: function() {
this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this;
setOptions: function(opts) {
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, Masonry.defaults, opts, {
wrapper: this.$el
return this;
build: function() {
if (!($.isFunction($.fn.isotope))) {
return this;
var self = this,
$el = this.options.wrapper,
trigger_timer = null;
$el.isotope('on', 'layoutComplete', function() {
if (typeof this.options.callback == 'function') {
if ($el.find('.porto-lazyload:not(.lazy-load-loaded):visible').length) {
$(window).smartresize(function() {
return this;
resize: function() {
var self = this,
$el = this.options.wrapper;
if (self.resizeTimer) {
self.resizeTimer = theme.requestTimeout(function() {
if ($el.data('isotope')) {
delete self.resizeTimer;
}, 600);
// expose to scope
$.extend(theme, {
Masonry: Masonry
// jquery plugin
$.fn.themeMasonry = function(opts) {
return this.map(function() {
var $this = $(this);
$this.waitForImages(function() {
if ($this.data(instanceName)) {
return $this.data(instanceName);
} else {
return new theme.Masonry($this, opts);
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Preview Image
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__previewImage';
var PreviewImage = function($el, opts) {
return this.initialize($el, opts);
PreviewImage.defaults = {
PreviewImage.prototype = {
initialize: function($el, opts) {
if ($el.data(instanceName)) {
return this;
this.$el = $el;
return this;
setData: function() {
this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this;
setOptions: function(opts) {
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PreviewImage.defaults, opts, {
wrapper: this.$el
return this;
build: function() {
var $el = this.options.wrapper,
image = $el.data('image');
if (image) {
$el.css('background-image', 'url(' + image + ')');
return this;
// expose to scope
$.extend(theme, {
PreviewImage: PreviewImage
// jquery plugin
$.fn.themePreviewImage = function(opts) {
return this.map(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) {
return $this.data(instanceName);
} else {
return new theme.PreviewImage($this, opts);
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Refresh Video Sizes
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__refreshVideoSize';
var RefreshVideoSize = function($el, opts) {
return this.initialize($el, opts);
RefreshVideoSize.defaults = {
RefreshVideoSize.prototype = {
initialize: function($el, opts) {
if ($el.data(instanceName)) {
return this;
this.$el = $el;
return this;
setData: function() {
this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this;
setOptions: function(opts) {
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, RefreshVideoSize.defaults, opts, {
wrapper: this.$el
return this;
build: function() {
var self = this,
resizeTimer = false;
theme.requestTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
$(window).on('resize', function() {
if (resizeTimer) {
resizeTimer = theme.requestTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
return this;
refresh: function() {
var $el = this.options.wrapper,
$video = $el.find('video'),
h = $el.height();
if (!$video.get(0)) {
$video.css('width', '100%').css('height', 'auto');
var vh = $video.height();
if (vh < h) {
$video.css('height', h);
$video.css('width', h / vh * 100 + '%');
return this;
// expose to scope
$.extend(theme, {
RefreshVideoSize: RefreshVideoSize
// jquery plugin
$.fn.themeRefreshVideoSize = function(opts) {
return this.map(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) {
return $this.data(instanceName);
} else {
return new theme.RefreshVideoSize($this, opts);
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Toggle
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__toggle';
var Toggle = function($el, opts) {
return this.initialize($el, opts);
Toggle.defaults = {
Toggle.prototype = {
initialize: function($el, opts) {
if ($el.data(instanceName)) {
return this;
this.$el = $el;
return this;
setData: function() {
this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this;
setOptions: function(opts) {
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, Toggle.defaults, opts, {
wrapper: this.$el
return this;
build: function() {
var $el = this.options.wrapper;
if ($el.hasClass('active'))
$el.find("> div.toggle-content").stop().slideDown(350, function() {
$(this).attr('style', '').show();
$el.on('click', "> label", function(e) {
var parentSection = $(this).parent(),
parentWrapper = $(this).closest("div.toogle"),
parentToggles = $(this).closest(".porto-toggles"),
isAccordion = parentWrapper.hasClass("toogle-accordion"),
toggleContent = parentSection.find("> div.toggle-content");
if (isAccordion && typeof(e.originalEvent) != "undefined") {
parentWrapper.find("section.toggle.active > label").trigger("click");
// Preview Paragraph
if(!parentSection.hasClass("active")) {
if (parentToggles.length) {
if (parentToggles.data('view') == 'one-toggle') {
parentToggles.find('.toggle').each(function() {
$(this).find("> div.toggle-content").stop().slideUp(350, function() {
$(this).attr('style', '').hide();
toggleContent.stop().slideDown(350, function() {
$(this).attr('style', '').show();
} else {
if (!parentToggles.length || parentToggles.data('view') != 'one-toggle') {
toggleContent.stop().slideUp(350, function() {
$(this).attr('style', '').hide();
return this;
// expose to scope
$.extend(theme, {
Toggle: Toggle
// jquery plugin
$.fn.themeToggle = function(opts) {
return this.map(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) {
return $this.data(instanceName);
} else {
return new theme.Toggle($this, opts);
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Parallax
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__parallax';
var Parallax = function($el, opts) {
return this.initialize($el, opts);
Parallax.defaults = {
speed: 1.5,
horizontalPosition: '50%',
offset: 0,
Parallax.prototype = {
initialize: function($el, opts) {
if ($el.data(instanceName)) {
return this;
this.$el = $el;
return this;
setData: function() {
this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this;
setOptions: function(opts) {
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, Parallax.defaults, opts, {
wrapper: this.$el
return this;
build: function() {
var self = this,
$window = $(window),
// Create Parallax Element
background = $('');
// Set Style for Parallax Element
var bg = self.options.wrapper.data('image-src') ? 'url(' + self.options.wrapper.data('image-src') + ')' : self.options.wrapper.css('background-image');
'background-image': bg,
'background-size': 'cover',
'background-position': '50% 0%',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': 0,
'left': 0,
'width': '100%',
'height': self.options.speed * 100 + '%'
// Add Parallax Element on DOM
// Set Overlfow Hidden and Position Relative to Parallax Wrapper
'position': 'relative',
'overflow': 'hidden'
// Parallax Effect on Scroll & Resize
var parallaxEffectOnScrolResize = function() {
var skrollr_size = 100 * self.options.speed,
skrollr_start = -(skrollr_size - 100);
background.attr("data-bottom-top", "top: " + skrollr_start+"%;").attr("data-top-bottom", "top: 0%;");
if (!theme.is_device_mobile) {
} else {
if( self.options.enableOnMobile == true ) {
} else {
return this;
// expose to scope
$.extend(theme, {
Parallax: Parallax
// jquery plugin
$.fn.themeParallax = function(opts) {
if (typeof skrollr == 'undefined') {
return this;
var obj = this.map(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) {
return $this.data(instanceName);
} else {
return new theme.Parallax($this, opts);
if (theme.portoSkrollr) {
} else if (!theme.is_device_mobile) {
theme.portoSkrollr = skrollr.init( {forceHeight: false, smoothScrolling: false, mobileCheck: function() { return theme.is_device_mobile }} );
return obj;
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Sticky
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
// jQuery Pin plugin
$.fn.themePin = function (options) {
var scrollY = 0, lastScrollY = 0, elements = [], disabled = false, $window = $(window), fixedSideTop = [], fixedSideBottom = [], prevDataTo = [];
options = options || {};
var recalculateLimits = function () {
for (var i=0, len=elements.length; i");
var pad = $.extend({
top: 0,
bottom: 0
}, options.padding || {});
var $pin = $this.parent(),
pt = parseInt($pin.parent().css('padding-top')), pb = parseInt($pin.parent().css('padding-bottom'));
if (options.autoInit) {
if ($('#header').hasClass('header-side')) {
pad.top = theme.adminBarHeight();
/*if ($('.page-top.fixed-pos').length) {
pad.top += $('.page-top.fixed-pos').height();
} else {
pad.top = theme.adminBarHeight();
if ($('#header > .main-menu-wrap').length || !$('#header').hasClass('sticky-menu-header')) {
pad.top += theme.StickyHeader.sticky_height;
if (typeof options.paddingOffsetTop != 'undefined') {
pad.top += parseInt(options.paddingOffsetTop, 10);
} else {
pad.top += 18;
if (typeof options.paddingOffsetBottom != 'undefined') {
pad.bottom = parseInt(options.paddingOffsetBottom, 10);
} else {
pad.bottom = 0;
var bb = $this.css('border-bottom'), h = $this.outerHeight();
$this.css('border-bottom', '1px solid transparent');
var o_h = $this.outerHeight() - h - 1;
$this.css('border-bottom', bb);
$this.css({width: $this.outerWidth() <= $pin.width() ? $this.outerWidth() : $pin.width()});
$pin.css("height", $this.outerHeight() + o_h);
if ( (!options.autoFit && !options.fitToBottom) || $this.outerHeight() <= $window.height()) {
$this.data("themePin", {
pad: pad,
from: (options.containerSelector ? containerOffset.top : offset.top) - pad.top + pt,
pb: pb,
parentTop: parentOffset.top - pt,
offset: o_h
} else {
$this.data("themePin", {
pad: pad,
fromFitTop: (options.containerSelector ? containerOffset.top : offset.top) - pad.top + pt,
from: (options.containerSelector ? containerOffset.top : offset.top) + $this.outerHeight() - window.innerHeight + pt,
pb: pb,
parentTop: parentOffset.top - pt,
offset: o_h
var onScroll = function () {
if (disabled) { return; }
scrollY = $window.scrollTop();
var window_height = window.innerHeight || $window.height();
for (var i=0, len=elements.length; i data.end || from >= to) {
$this.css({position: "", top: "", left: ""});
if (options.activeClass) { $this.removeClass(options.activeClass); }
if (scrollY > from && scrollY < to) {
!($this.css("position") == "fixed") && $this.css({
left: $this.offset().left,
top: data.pad.top
}).css("position", "fixed");
if (options.activeClass) { $this.addClass(options.activeClass); }
} else if (scrollY >= to) {
left: "",
top: to - data.parentTop + data.pad.top
}).css("position", "absolute");
if (options.activeClass) { $this.addClass(options.activeClass); }
if ($this.hasClass('sticky-absolute')) $this.addClass('sticky-transition');
} else {
$this.css({position: "", top: "", left: ""});
if (options.activeClass) { $this.removeClass(options.activeClass); }
} else if (options.fitToBottom) {
var from = data.from,
to = data.to;
if (data.from + window_height > data.end || data.from >= to) {
$this.css({position: "", top: "", bottom: "", left: ""});
if (options.activeClass) { $this.removeClass(options.activeClass); }
if (scrollY > from && scrollY < to) {
!($this.css("position") == "fixed") && $this.css({
left: $this.offset().left,
bottom: data.pad.bottom,
top: ""
}).css("position", "fixed");
if (options.activeClass) { $this.addClass(options.activeClass); }
} else if (scrollY >= to) {
left: "",
top: data.to2,
bottom: ""
}).css("position", "absolute");
if (options.activeClass) { $this.addClass(options.activeClass); }
if ($this.hasClass('sticky-absolute')) $this.addClass('sticky-transition');
} else {
$this.css({position: "", top: "", bottom: "", left: ""});
if (options.activeClass) { $this.removeClass(options.activeClass); }
} else { // auto fit
var this_height = $this.outerHeight()
if ( prevDataTo[i] != data.to ) {
if (fixedSideBottom[i] && this_height + $this.offset().top + data.pad.bottom < scrollY + window_height) {
fixedSideBottom[i] = false;
if ( ( this_height + data.pad.top + data.pad.bottom ) > window_height || fixedSideTop[i] || fixedSideBottom[i] ) {
var padTop = parseInt($this.parent().parent().css('padding-top'));
// Reset the sideSortables style when scrolling to the top.
if ( scrollY + data.pad.top - padTop <= data.parentTop ) {
$this.css({position: "", top: "", bottom: "", left: ""});
fixedSideTop[i] = fixedSideBottom[i] = false;
if (options.activeClass) { $this.removeClass(options.activeClass); }
} else if ( scrollY >= data.to ) {
left: "",
top: data.to2,
bottom: ""
}).css("position", "absolute");
if (options.activeClass) { $this.addClass(options.activeClass); }
} else {
// When scrolling down.
if ( scrollY >= lastScrollY ) {
if ( fixedSideTop[i] ) {
// Let it scroll.
fixedSideTop[i] = false;
sidebarTop = $this.offset().top - data.parentTop;
left: "",
top: sidebarTop,
bottom: ""
}).css("position", "absolute");
if (options.activeClass) { $this.addClass(options.activeClass); }
} else if ( ! fixedSideBottom[i] && this_height + $this.offset().top + data.pad.bottom < scrollY + window_height ) {
// Pin the bottom.
fixedSideBottom[i] = true;
!($this.css("position") == "fixed") && $this.css({
left: $this.offset().left,
bottom: data.pad.bottom,
top: ""
}).css("position", "fixed");
if (options.activeClass) { $this.addClass(options.activeClass); }
// When scrolling up.
} else if ( scrollY < lastScrollY ) {
if ( fixedSideBottom[i] ) {
// Let it scroll.
fixedSideBottom[i] = false;
sidebarTop = $this.offset().top - data.parentTop;
/*if ($this.css('position') == 'absolute' && sidebarTop > data.to2) {
sidebarTop = data.to2;
left: "",
top: sidebarTop,
bottom: ""
}).css("position", "absolute");
if (options.activeClass) { $this.addClass(options.activeClass); }
} else if ( ! fixedSideTop[i] && $this.offset().top >= scrollY + data.pad.top ) {
// Pin the top.
fixedSideTop[i] = true;
!($this.css("position") == "fixed") && $this.css({
left: $this.offset().left,
top: data.pad.top,
bottom: ''
}).css("position", "fixed");
if (options.activeClass) { $this.addClass(options.activeClass); }
} else if ( ! fixedSideBottom[i] && fixedSideTop[i] && $this.css('position') == 'absolute' && $this.offset().top >= scrollY + data.pad.top) {
fixedSideTop[i] = false;
} else {
// If the sidebar container is smaller than the viewport, then pin/unpin the top when scrolling.
if ( scrollY >= ( data.parentTop - data.pad.top ) ) {
$this.css( {
position: 'fixed',
top: data.pad.top
} );
} else {
$this.css({position: "", top: "", bottom: "", left: ""});
if (options.activeClass) { $this.removeClass(options.activeClass); }
fixedSideTop[i] = fixedSideBottom[i] = false;
prevDataTo[i] = data.to;
lastScrollY = scrollY;
var update = function () { recalculateLimits(); onScroll(); },
r_timer = null;
this.each(function () {
var $this = $(this),
data = $(this).data('themePin') || {};
if (data && data.update) { return; }
$("img", this).one("load", function() {
if (r_timer) {
r_timer = theme.requestFrame(recalculateLimits);
data.update = update;
$(this).data('themePin', data);
$window.on('touchmove scroll', onScroll);
$window.on('load', update);
$(this).on('recalc.pin', function() {
return this;
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__sticky';
var Sticky = function($el, opts) {
return this.initialize($el, opts);
Sticky.defaults = {
autoInit: false,
minWidth: 767,
activeClass: 'sticky-active',
padding: {
top: 0,
bottom: 0
offsetTop: 0,
offsetBottom: 0,
autoFit: false,
fitToBottom: false
Sticky.prototype = {
initialize: function($el, opts) {
if ($el.data(instanceName)) {
return this;
this.$el = $el;
return this;
setData: function() {
this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this;
setOptions: function(opts) {
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, Sticky.defaults, opts, {
wrapper: this.$el
return this;
build: function() {
if (!($.isFunction($.fn.themePin))) {
return this;
var self = this,
$el = this.options.wrapper,
if ($el.hasClass('porto-sticky-nav')) {
this.options.padding.top = theme.StickyHeader.sticky_height + theme.adminBarHeight();
this.options.activeClass = 'sticky-active';
this.options.containerSelector = '.main-content-wrap';
theme.sticky_nav_height = $el.outerHeight();
if (this.options.minWidth > window.innerWidth)
theme.sticky_nav_height = 0;
$(window).smartresize(function() {
if (stickyResizeTrigger) {
stickyResizeTrigger = setTimeout(function() {
}, 800);
var $parent = $el.parent();
if ($el.css('position') == 'fixed') {
$el.css('left', $parent.offset().left);
if ($el.hasClass('porto-sticky-nav')) {
theme.sticky_nav_height = $el.outerHeight();
if (self.options.minWidth > window.innerWidth)
theme.sticky_nav_height = 0;
return this;
// expose to scope
$.extend(theme, {
Sticky: Sticky
// jquery plugin
$.fn.themeSticky = function(opts) {
return this.map(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 800);
return $this.data(instanceName);
} else {
return new theme.Sticky($this, opts);
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Mobile Panel
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
$(function() {
$(document.body).on('click', '.mobile-toggle', function(e) {
var $nav_panel = $('#nav-panel');
if ($nav_panel.length > 0) {
if ($(this).closest('.header-main').length && $nav_panel.closest('.header-builder-p').length && !$nav_panel.parent('.header-main').length) {
if ($nav_panel.is(':visible') && $('#header').hasClass('sticky-header')) {
var h_h = $('#header').height(), p_h = $nav_panel.outerHeight();
if (h_h > p_h + 30) {
$('#header').css('height', h_h - p_h);
} else if ($('#side-nav-panel').length > 0) {
if ($('#nav-panel .skeleton-body, #side-nav-panel .skeleton-body').length) {
theme.lazyload_menu(1, 'mobile_menu');
$(document.body).on('click', '.panel-overlay', function() {
$('html').css('transition', 'margin .3s').removeClass('panel-opened');
theme.requestTimeout(function() {
$('html').css('transition', '');
}, 260);
$(document.body).on('click', '#side-nav-panel .side-nav-panel-close', function(e) {
$(window).on('resize', function() {
if (window.innerWidth > 991) {
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Portfolio Like
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
$(function() {
$(document).on('click', '.portfolio-like', function(e) {
var $this = $(this),
$parent = $this.parent(),
portfolio_id = $this.attr('data-id');
theme.ajax_url, {
portfolio_id: portfolio_id,
action: 'porto_portfolio-like',
nonce: js_porto_vars.porto_nonce
function(data) {
if (data) {
return false;
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Blog Like
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
$(function() {
$(document).on('click', '.blog-like', function(e) {
var $this = $(this),
$parent = $this.parent(),
blog_id = $this.attr('data-id');
if ($this.hasClass('updating')) {
return false;
theme.ajax_url, {
blog_id: blog_id,
action: 'porto_blog-like',
nonce: js_porto_vars.porto_nonce
function(data) {
if (data) {
return false;
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Scroll to Top
//** jQuery Scroll to Top Control script- (c) Dynamic Drive DHTML code library: http://www.dynamicdrive.com.
//** Available/ usage terms at http://www.dynamicdrive.com (March 30th, 09')
//** v1.1 (April 7th, 09'):
//** 1) Adds ability to scroll to an absolute position (from top of page) or specific element on the page instead.
//** 2) Fixes scroll animation not working in Opera.
var scrolltotop={
//startline: Integer. Number of pixels from top of doc scrollbar is scrolled before showing control
//scrollto: Keyword (Integer, or "Scroll_to_Element_ID"). How far to scroll document up when control is clicked on (0=top).
setting: {startline:100, scrollto: 0, scrollduration:1000, fadeduration:[500, 100]},
controlHTML: '
', //HTML for control, which is auto wrapped in DIV w/ ID="topcontrol"
controlattrs: {offsetx:10, offsety:10}, //offset of control relative to right/ bottom of window corner
anchorkeyword: '#top', //Enter href value of HTML anchors on the page that should also act as "Scroll Up" links
state: {isvisible:false, shouldvisible:false},
if (!this.cssfixedsupport) //if control is positioned using JavaScript
this.$control.css({opacity:0}); //hide control immediately after clicking it
var dest=isNaN(this.setting.scrollto)? this.setting.scrollto : parseInt(this.setting.scrollto);
if (typeof dest=="string" && jQuery('#'+dest).length==1) //check element set by string exists
this.$body.stop().animate({scrollTop: dest}, this.setting.scrollduration);
var $window=jQuery(window);
var controlx=$window.scrollLeft() + $window.width() - this.$control.width() - this.controlattrs.offsetx;
var controly=$window.scrollTop() + $window.height() - this.$control.height() - this.controlattrs.offsety;
this.$control.css({left:controlx+'px', top:controly+'px'});
var scrolltop=jQuery(window).scrollTop();
if (!this.cssfixedsupport)
this.state.shouldvisible=(scrolltop>=this.setting.startline)? true : false;
if (this.state.shouldvisible && !this.state.isvisible){
this.$control.stop().animate({opacity:1}, this.setting.fadeduration[0]);
else if (this.state.shouldvisible==false && this.state.isvisible){
this.$control.stop().animate({opacity:0}, this.setting.fadeduration[1]);
var mainobj=scrolltotop;
var iebrws=document.all;
mainobj.cssfixedsupport=!iebrws || iebrws && document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat" && window.XMLHttpRequest //not IE or IE7+ browsers in standards mode
mainobj.$body=(window.opera)? (document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat"? $('html') : $('body')) : $('html,body');
.css({position:mainobj.cssfixedsupport? 'fixed' : 'absolute', bottom:mainobj.controlattrs.offsety, opacity:0, cursor:'pointer'})
.click(function(){mainobj.scrollup(); return false;})
if (document.all && !window.XMLHttpRequest && mainobj.$control.text()!='') //loose check for IE6 and below, plus whether control contains any text
mainobj.$control.css({width:mainobj.$control.width()}); //IE6- seems to require an explicit width on a DIV containing text
$('a[href="' + mainobj.anchorkeyword +'"]').click(function(){
return false;
$(window).on('scroll resize', function(e){
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
$.extend(theme, {
ScrollToTop: {
defaults: {
html: '',
offsetx: 10,
offsety: 0
initialize: function(html, offsetx, offsety) {
if ($('#topcontrol').length) {
return this;
this.html = (html || this.defaults.html);
this.offsetx = (offsetx || this.defaults.offsetx);
this.offsety = (offsety || this.defaults.offsety);
return this;
build: function() {
var self = this;
if (typeof scrolltotop !== 'undefined') {
// scroll top control
scrolltotop.controlHTML = self.html;
scrolltotop.controlattrs = {offsetx: self.offsetx, offsety: self.offsety};
return self;
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Mega Menu
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
$.extend(theme, {
MegaMenu: {
defaults: {
menu: $('.mega-menu')
initialize: function($menu) {
this.$menu = ($menu || this.defaults.menu);
return this;
popupWidth: function() {
var winWidth = window.innerWidth,
popupWidth = window.innerWidth - theme.getScrollbarWidth() - theme.grid_gutter_width * 2;
if (!$('body').hasClass('wide')) {
if (winWidth >= theme.container_width + theme.grid_gutter_width - 1)
popupWidth = theme.container_width - theme.grid_gutter_width;
else if (winWidth >= 992)
popupWidth = 960 - theme.grid_gutter_width;
else if (winWidth >= 768)
popupWidth = 720 - theme.grid_gutter_width;
return popupWidth;
calcMenuPosition: function(menu_obj) {
var menu = menu_obj,
$header_container = $("#header .header-main .container-fluid").length ? $("#header .header-main .container-fluid") : ( $("#header .header-main .container").length ? $("#header .header-main .container") : null );
if (null === $header_container) {
var menuContainerWidth = $header_container.outerWidth() - parseInt($header_container.css('padding-left')) - parseInt($header_container.css('padding-right'));
if (menuContainerWidth < 900) return;
if (menu.parent().hasClass('pos-fullwidth')) {
menu.get(0).style.width = menuContainerWidth + 'px';
var browserWidth = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0) - theme.getScrollbarWidth(),
menuLeftPos = menu.offset().left - (browserWidth - menuContainerWidth) / 2;
if (window.theme.rtl) {
menuLeftPos = window.innerWidth - theme.getScrollbarWidth() - (menu.offset().left + menu.outerWidth() ) - (browserWidth - menuContainerWidth) / 2;
var menuWidth = menu.width(),
remainWidth = menuContainerWidth - (menuLeftPos+menuWidth),
l = false;
if (menuLeftPos > remainWidth && menuLeftPos < menuWidth ) {
l = (menuLeftPos + remainWidth) / 3;
if (remainWidth < 0) {
l = -remainWidth;
return l;
build: function($menu) {
var self = this;
if (!$menu) {
$menu = self.$menu;
$menu.each( function() {
var $menu = $(this),
$menu_container = $menu.closest('.container'),
container_width = self.popupWidth();
if ($menu.closest('.porto-popup-menu').length) {
return false;
var $menu_items = $menu.children('li.has-sub');
$menu_items.each( function() {
var $menu_item = $(this),
$popup = $menu_item.children('.popup');
if ($popup.length) {
var popup_obj = $popup.get(0);
popup_obj.style.display = 'block';
if ($menu_item.hasClass('wide')) {
popup_obj.style.left = 0;
var padding = parseInt($popup.css('padding-left')) + parseInt($popup.css('padding-right')) +
parseInt($popup.find('> .inner').css('padding-left')) + parseInt($popup.find('> .inner').css('padding-right'));
var row_number = 4;
if ($menu_item.hasClass('col-2')) row_number = 2;
if ($menu_item.hasClass('col-3')) row_number = 3;
if ($menu_item.hasClass('col-4')) row_number = 4;
if ($menu_item.hasClass('col-5')) row_number = 5;
if ($menu_item.hasClass('col-6')) row_number = 6;
if (window.innerWidth < 992)
row_number = 1;
var col_length = 0;
$popup.find('> .inner > ul > li').each(function() {
var cols = parseFloat($(this).attr('data-cols'));
if (cols <= 0 || !cols)
cols = 1;
if (cols > row_number)
cols = row_number;
col_length += cols;
if (col_length > row_number) col_length = row_number;
var popup_max_width = $popup.data('popup-mw') ? $popup.data('popup-mw') : $popup.find('.inner').css('max-width'),
col_width = container_width / row_number;
if ('none' !== popup_max_width && popup_max_width < container_width) {
col_width = parseInt(popup_max_width) / row_number;
$popup.find('> .inner > ul > li').each(function() {
var cols = parseFloat($(this).data('cols'));
if (cols <= 0)
cols = 1;
if (cols > row_number)
cols = row_number;
if ($menu_item.hasClass('pos-center') || $menu_item.hasClass('pos-left') || $menu_item.hasClass('pos-right'))
this.style.width = (100 / col_length * cols) + '%';
this.style.width = (100 / row_number * cols) + '%';
if ($menu_item.hasClass('pos-center')) { // position center
$popup.find('> .inner > ul').get(0).style.width = (col_width * col_length - padding) + 'px';
var left_position = $popup.offset().left - (window.innerWidth - theme.getScrollbarWidth() - col_width * col_length) / 2;
popup_obj.style.left = '-' + left_position + 'px';
} else if ($menu_item.hasClass('pos-left')) { // position left
$popup.find('> .inner > ul').get(0).style.width = (col_width * col_length - padding) + 'px';
popup_obj.style.left = '-15px';
} else if ($menu_item.hasClass('pos-right')) { // position right
$popup.find('> .inner > ul').get(0).style.width = (col_width * col_length - padding) + 'px';
popup_obj.style.right = '-15px';
popup_obj.style.left = 'auto';
} else { // position justify
if (!$menu_item.hasClass('pos-fullwidth')) {
$popup.find('> .inner > ul').get(0).style.width = (container_width - padding) + 'px';
if (theme.rtl) {
popup_obj.style.right = 0;
popup_obj.style.left = 'auto';
var left_position = self.calcMenuPosition($popup);
if (theme.rtl) {
popup_obj.style.right = '-15px';
popup_obj.style.left = 'auto';
if (left_position) {
popup_obj.style.right = '-' + left_position + 'px';
} else {
popup_obj.style.left = '-15px';
popup_obj.style.right = 'auto';
if (left_position) {
popup_obj.style.left = '-' + left_position + 'px';
return self;
events: function() {
var self = this;
$(window).smartresize(function() {
$(window).on('load', function() {
theme.requestFrame(function() {
return self;
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Sidebar Menu
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
$.extend(theme, {
SidebarMenu: {
defaults: {
menu: $('.sidebar-menu:not(.side-menu-accordion)'),
toggle: $('.widget_sidebar_menu .widget-title .toggle'),
menu_toggle: $('#main-toggle-menu .menu-title')
rtl: theme.rtl,
initialize: function($menu, $toggle, $menu_toggle) {
if (this.$menu && this.$menu.length && $menu && $menu.length) {
this.$menu = $.unique($.merge(this.$menu, $menu));
return this;
this.$menu = ($menu || this.defaults.menu);
if (!this.$menu.length) {
return this;
this.$toggle = ($toggle || this.defaults.toggle);
this.$menu_toggle = ($menu_toggle || this.defaults.menu_toggle);
return this;
isRightSidebar: function($menu) {
var flag = false;
if (this.rtl) {
flag = !($('#main').hasClass('column2-right-sidebar') || $('#main').hasClass('column2-wide-right-sidebar'));
} else {
flag = $('#main').hasClass('column2-right-sidebar') || $('#main').hasClass('column2-wide-right-sidebar');
if ($menu.closest('#main-toggle-menu').length) {
if (this.rtl) {
flag = true;
} else {
flag = false;
var $header_wrapper = $menu.closest('.header-wrapper');
if ($header_wrapper.length && $header_wrapper.hasClass('header-side-nav')) {
if (this.rtl) {
flag = true;
} else {
flag = false;
if( $('.page-wrapper').hasClass('side-nav-right') ){
if( this.rtl ){
flag = false;
flag = true;
return flag;
popupWidth: function() {
var winWidth = window.innerWidth,
popupWidth = winWidth - theme.getScrollbarWidth() - theme.grid_gutter_width * 2;
if (!$('body').hasClass('wide')) {
if (winWidth >= theme.container_width + theme.grid_gutter_width - 1)
popupWidth = theme.container_width - theme.grid_gutter_width;
else if (winWidth >= 992)
popupWidth = 960 - theme.grid_gutter_width;
else if (winWidth >= 768)
popupWidth = 720 - theme.grid_gutter_width;
return popupWidth;
build: function($menus) {
var self = this;
if (!$menus) {
$menus = self.$menu;
if (!$menus.length) {
var $parent_toggle_wrap = $menus.parent('.toggle-menu-wrap'),
parent_toogle_wrap = null;
if ($parent_toggle_wrap.length && $parent_toggle_wrap.is(':hidden')) {
parent_toogle_wrap = $parent_toggle_wrap.get(0);
parent_toogle_wrap.style.display = 'block';
parent_toogle_wrap.style.visibility = 'hidden';
$menus.each( function() {
var $menu = $(this), container_width;
if ($menu.hasClass('side-menu-slide')) {
if (window.innerWidth < 992)
container_width = self.popupWidth();
else {
var menu_width = this.offsetWidth ? this.offsetWidth : $menu.width();
container_width = self.popupWidth() - menu_width - 45;
var is_right_sidebar = self.isRightSidebar($menu),
$menu_items = $menu.children('li');
$menu_items.each( function() {
var $menu_item = $(this),
$popup = $menu_item.children('.popup');
if ($popup.length) {
var popup_obj = $popup.get(0),
is_opened = false;
if ($popup.is(':visible')) {
is_opened = true;
} else {
popup_obj.style.display = 'block';
if ($menu_item.hasClass('wide')) {
if (!$menu.hasClass('side-menu-columns')) {
popup_obj.style.left = 0;
var row_number = 4;
if ($menu_item.hasClass('col-2')) row_number = 2;
if ($menu_item.hasClass('col-3')) row_number = 3;
if ($menu_item.hasClass('col-4')) row_number = 4;
if ($menu_item.hasClass('col-5')) row_number = 5;
if ($menu_item.hasClass('col-6')) row_number = 6;
if (window.innerWidth < 992)
row_number = 1;
var col_length = 0;
$popup.find('> .inner > ul > li').each(function() {
var cols = parseFloat($(this).data('cols'));
if (!cols || cols <= 0)
cols = 1;
if (cols > row_number)
cols = row_number;
col_length += cols;
if (col_length > row_number) col_length = row_number;
var popup_max_width = $popup.data('popup-mw') ? $popup.data('popup-mw') : $popup.find('.inner').css('max-width'),
col_width = container_width / row_number;
if ('none' !== popup_max_width && popup_max_width < container_width) {
col_width = parseInt(popup_max_width) / row_number;
$popup.find('> .inner > ul > li').each(function() {
var cols = parseFloat($(this).data('cols'));
if (cols <= 0)
cols = 1;
if (cols > row_number)
cols = row_number;
if ($menu_item.hasClass('pos-center') || $menu_item.hasClass('pos-left') || $menu_item.hasClass('pos-right'))
this.style.width = (100 / col_length * cols) + '%';
this.style.width = (100 / row_number * cols) + '%';
popup_obj.children[0].children[0].style.width = col_width * col_length + 1 + 'px';
if (!$menu.hasClass('side-menu-columns')) {
if (is_right_sidebar) {
popup_obj.style.left = 'auto';
popup_obj.style.right = (this.offsetWidth ? this.offsetWidth : $(this).width()) + 'px';
} else {
popup_obj.style.left = (this.offsetWidth ? this.offsetWidth : $(this).width()) + 'px';
popup_obj.style.right = 'auto';
if (!is_opened) {
popup_obj.style.display = 'none';
if ($menu.hasClass('side-menu-accordion')) {
} else if ($menu.hasClass('side-menu-slide')) {
} else if (!$menu_item.hasClass('sub-ready')) {
$menu_item.hover(function() {
}, function() {
// slide menu
if ($menus.hasClass('side-menu-slide')) {
var slideNavigation = {
$mainNav: $menus,
$mainNavItem: $menus.find('li'),
build: function(){
var self = this;
menuNav: function(){
var self = this;
self.$mainNav.find('.menu-item-has-children > a.nolink').removeClass('nolink').attr('href', '');
self.$mainNav.find('.menu-item-has-children > a:not(.go-back)').off('click').on('click', function(e) {
var currentMenu = $(this).closest('ul'),
nextMenu = $(this).parent().find('ul').first();
if (nextMenu.children('.menu-item').children('.go-back').length < 1) {
var nextMenuHeightDiff = nextMenu.find('> li').length * nextMenu.find('> li').outerHeight() - nextMenu.outerHeight();
overflow: 'visible',
'overflow-y': 'visible'
if (nextMenuHeightDiff > 0) {
overflow: 'hidden',
'overflow-y': 'scroll'
//for (i = 0; i < nextMenu.find('> li').length; i++) {
if( nextMenu.outerHeight() < (nextMenu.closest('.header-main').outerHeight() - 100) ) {
height: nextMenu.outerHeight() + nextMenu.find('> li').outerHeight()
// }
'padding-top': nextMenuHeightDiff + 'px'
if (parent_toogle_wrap) {
parent_toogle_wrap.style.display = '';
parent_toogle_wrap.style.visibility = '';
return self;
events: function() {
var self = this;
self.$toggle.on('click', function() {
var $widget = $(this).parent().parent();
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.hasClass('closed')) {
$widget.find('.sidebar-menu-wrap').stop().slideDown(400, function() {
$(this).attr('style', '').show();
} else {
$widget.find('.sidebar-menu-wrap').stop().slideUp(400, function() {
$(this).attr('style', '').hide();
this.$menu_toggle.on('click', function() {
var $toggle_menu = $(this).parent();
if ($toggle_menu.hasClass('show-always') || $toggle_menu.hasClass('show-hover')) {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.hasClass('closed')) {
$toggle_menu.find('.toggle-menu-wrap').stop().slideDown(400, function() {
$(this).attr('style', '').show();
} else {
$toggle_menu.find('.toggle-menu-wrap').stop().slideUp(400, function() {
$(this).attr('style', '').hide();
if (self.$menu.hasClass('side-menu-slide')) {
self.$menu.on('click', '.go-back', function(e) {
var prevMenu = $(this).closest('.next-menu'),
prevMenuHeightDiff = 0;
if (prevMenu.length && prevMenu.find('> li').length) {
prevMenuHeightDiff = prevMenu.find('> li').length * prevMenu.find('> li').outerHeight() - prevMenu.outerHeight();
if( prevMenuHeightDiff > 0 ) {
overflow: 'hidden',
'overflow-y': 'scroll'
if ($('.sidebar-menu:not(.side-menu-accordion)').closest('[data-plugin-sticky]').length) {
var sidebarRefreshTimer;
$(window).smartresize(function() {
if (sidebarRefreshTimer) {
sidebarRefreshTimer = setTimeout(function() {
}, 800);
} else {
$(window).smartresize(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 400);
return self;
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Sticky Header
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
$.extend(theme, {
StickyHeader: {
defaults: {
header: $('#header')
initialize: function($header) {
this.$header = ($header || this.defaults.header);
this.sticky_height = 0;
this.sticky_pos = 0;
this.change_logo = theme.change_logo;
if (!theme.show_sticky_header || !this.$header.length || $('.side-header-narrow-bar').length)
return this;
var self = this;
var $menu_wrap = self.$header.find('> .main-menu-wrap');
if ($menu_wrap.length) {
self.$menu_wrap = $menu_wrap;
self.menu_height = $menu_wrap.height();
} else {
self.$menu_wrap = false;
self.$header_main = self.$header.find('.header-main');
// fix compatibility issue with Elementor pro header builder
if ( !self.$header_main.length && self.$header.children('.elementor-location-header').length ) {
self.$header_main = self.$header.children('.elementor-location-header').last().addClass('header-main');
if (!self.$header_main.length) {
return this;
self.reveal = self.$header.parents('.header-wrapper').hasClass('header-reveal');
self.is_sticky = false;
return self;
build: function() {
var self = this;
if (!self.is_sticky && (window.innerHeight + self.header_height + theme.adminBarHeight() + parseInt(self.$header.css('border-top-width')) >= $(document).height())) {
return self;
if (window.innerHeight > $(document.body).height())
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
var scroll_top = $(window).scrollTop();
if (self.$menu_wrap && !theme.isTablet()) {
self.$header_main.stop().css('top', 0);
if (self.$header.parent().hasClass('fixed-header'))
self.$header.parent().attr('style', '');
if (scroll_top > self.sticky_pos) {
if (!self.$header.hasClass('sticky-header')) {
var header_height = self.$header.outerHeight();
self.$header.addClass('sticky-header').css('height', header_height);
self.$menu_wrap.stop().css('top', theme.adminBarHeight());
var selectric = self.$header.find('.header-main .searchform select').data('selectric');
if (selectric && typeof selectric.close != 'undefined')
if (self.$header.parent().hasClass('fixed-header')) {
self.$header.css('height', '');
if (!self.init_toggle_menu) {
self.init_toggle_menu = true;
if ($('#main-toggle-menu').length) {
if ($('#main-toggle-menu').hasClass('show-always')) {
$('#main-toggle-menu').data('show-always', true);
$('#main-toggle-menu .menu-title').addClass('closed');
$('#main-toggle-menu .toggle-menu-wrap').attr('style', '');
self.is_sticky = true;
} else {
if (self.$header.hasClass('sticky-header')) {
self.$header.css('height', '');
self.$menu_wrap.stop().css('top', 0);
var selectric = self.$header.find('.main-menu-wrap .searchform select').data('selectric');
if (selectric && typeof selectric.close != 'undefined')
if (self.init_toggle_menu) {
self.init_toggle_menu = false;
if ($('#main-toggle-menu').length) {
if ($('#main-toggle-menu').data('show-always')) {
$('#main-toggle-menu .menu-title').removeClass('closed');
$('#main-toggle-menu .toggle-menu-wrap').attr('style', '');
self.is_sticky = false;
} else {
if (self.$header.parent().hasClass('fixed-header') && $('#wpadminbar').length && $('#wpadminbar').css('position') == 'absolute') {
self.$header.parent().css('top', ($('#wpadminbar').height() - scroll_top) < 0 ? -$('#wpadminbar').height() : -scroll_top);
} else if (self.$header.parent().hasClass('fixed-header')) {
self.$header.parent().attr('style', '');
} else {
if (self.$header.parent().hasClass('fixed-header'))
self.$header.parent().attr('style', '');
if (self.$header.hasClass('sticky-menu-header') && !theme.isTablet()) {
self.$header_main.stop().css('top', 0);
if (self.change_logo) self.$header_main.removeClass('change-logo');
self.is_sticky = false;
self.sticky_height = 0;
} else {
if (self.$menu_wrap)
self.$menu_wrap.stop().css('top', 0);
if (scroll_top > self.sticky_pos && (!theme.isTablet() || (theme.isTablet() && (!theme.isMobile() && theme.show_sticky_header_tablet) || (theme.isMobile() && theme.show_sticky_header_tablet && theme.show_sticky_header_mobile)))) {
if (!self.$header.hasClass('sticky-header')) {
var header_height = self.$header.outerHeight();
self.$header.addClass('sticky-header').css('height', header_height);
if (self.change_logo) self.$header_main.addClass('change-logo');
self.$header_main.stop().css('top', theme.adminBarHeight());
if (!self.init_toggle_menu) {
self.init_toggle_menu = true;
if ($('#main-toggle-menu').length) {
if ($('#main-toggle-menu').hasClass('show-always')) {
$('#main-toggle-menu').data('show-always', true);
$('#main-toggle-menu .menu-title').addClass('closed');
$('#main-toggle-menu .toggle-menu-wrap').attr('style', '');
self.is_sticky = true;
} else {
if (self.$header.hasClass('sticky-header')) {
if (self.change_logo) self.$header_main.removeClass('change-logo');
self.$header.css('height', '');
self.$header_main.stop().css('top', 0);
if (self.init_toggle_menu) {
self.init_toggle_menu = false;
if ($('#main-toggle-menu').length) {
if ($('#main-toggle-menu').data('show-always')) {
$('#main-toggle-menu .menu-title').removeClass('closed');
$('#main-toggle-menu .toggle-menu-wrap').attr('style', '');
self.is_sticky = false;
if (!self.$header.hasClass('header-loaded'))
if (!self.$header.find('.logo').hasClass('logo-transition'))
if (self.$header.find('.overlay-logo').get(0) && !self.$header.find('.overlay-logo').hasClass('overlay-logo-transition'))
return self;
reset: function() {
var self = this;
if (self.$header.find('.logo').hasClass('logo-transition'))
if (self.$header.find('.overlay-logo').get(0) && self.$header.find('.overlay-logo').hasClass('overlay-logo-transition'))
if (self.$menu_wrap && !theme.isTablet()) {
// show main menu
self.$header.addClass('sticky-header sticky-header-calc');
if (self.change_logo) self.$header_main.addClass('change-logo');
self.sticky_height = self.$menu_wrap.height() + parseInt(self.$menu_wrap.css('padding-top')) + parseInt(self.$menu_wrap.css('padding-bottom'));
if (self.change_logo) self.$header_main.removeClass('change-logo');
self.$header.removeClass('sticky-header sticky-header-calc');
self.header_height = self.$header.height() + parseInt(self.$header.css('margin-top'));
self.menu_height = self.$menu_wrap.height() + parseInt(self.$menu_wrap.css('padding-top')) + parseInt(self.$menu_wrap.css('padding-bottom'));
self.sticky_pos = (self.header_height - self.sticky_height) + parseInt($('body').css('padding-top')) + parseInt(self.$header.css('border-top-width'));
if ($('.banner-before-header').length) {
self.sticky_pos += $('.banner-before-header').height();
if ($('.porto-block-html-top').length) {
self.sticky_pos += $('.porto-block-html-top').height();
} else {
// show header main
self.$header.addClass('sticky-header sticky-header-calc');
if (self.change_logo) self.$header_main.addClass('change-logo');
self.sticky_height = self.$header_main.outerHeight();
if (self.change_logo) self.$header_main.removeClass('change-logo');
self.$header.removeClass('sticky-header sticky-header-calc');
self.header_height = self.$header.height() + parseInt(self.$header.css('margin-top'));
self.main_height = self.$header_main.height();
if (!(!theme.isTablet() || (theme.isTablet() && !theme.isMobile() && theme.show_sticky_header_tablet) || (theme.isMobile() && theme.show_sticky_header_tablet && theme.show_sticky_header_mobile))) {
self.sticky_height = 0;
/*if (self.$header_main.length && self.$header.length) {
self.sticky_pos = self.$header_main.offset().top - self.$header.offset().top + $('.banner-before-header').height() + parseInt($('body').css('padding-top')) + parseInt(self.$header.css('border-top-width'));
} else {
self.sticky_pos = $('.banner-before-header').height() + parseInt($('body').css('padding-top')) + parseInt(self.$header.css('border-top-width'));
if (theme.adminBarHeight() && self.$header.offset().top > theme.adminBarHeight()) {
self.sticky_pos -= theme.adminBarHeight();
self.sticky_pos = (self.header_height - self.sticky_height) + $('.banner-before-header').height() + $('.porto-block-html-top').height() + parseInt($('body').css('padding-top')) + parseInt(self.$header.css('border-top-width'));*/
self.sticky_pos = self.$header.offset().top + self.header_height - self.sticky_height - theme.adminBarHeight() + parseInt(self.$header.css('border-top-width'));
if (self.reveal) {
if (self.menu_height) {
self.sticky_pos += self.menu_height + 30;
} else {
self.sticky_pos += 30;
if (self.sticky_pos < 0) {
self.sticky_pos = 0;
self.init_toggle_menu = false;
if (!theme.isTablet() && self.$header.hasClass('header-side') && typeof self.$header.attr('data-plugin-sticky') != 'undefined') {
self.$header.css('height', '');
} else {
return self;
events: function() {
var self = this, win_width = 0;
$(window).smartresize(function() {
if (win_width != window.innerWidth) {
win_width = window.innerWidth;
window.addEventListener('scroll', function() {
theme.requestFrame(function() {
}, {passive: true});
return self;
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Side Nav
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
$.extend(theme, {
SideNav: {
defaults: {
side_nav: $('.header-side-nav #header')
bc_pos_top: 0,
initialize: function($side_nav) {
this.$side_nav = ($side_nav || this.defaults.side_nav);
if (!this.$side_nav.length)
return this;
var self = this;
return self;
build: function() {
var self = this;
var $page_top = $('.page-top'),
$main = $('#main');
if (theme.isTablet()) {
$page_top.attr('style', '');
$main.attr('style', '');
} else {
//var side_height = self.$side_nav.innerHeight();
//var window_height = window.innerHeight;
var scroll_top = $(window).scrollTop();
/*if (side_height - window_height + theme.adminBarHeight() < scroll_top) {
if (!self.$side_nav.hasClass("fixed-bottom"))
} else {
if (self.$side_nav.hasClass("fixed-bottom"))
if ($page_top.length && $page_top.outerHeight() < 100 && !$('.side-header-narrow-bar-top').length) {
if (self.page_top_offset == theme.adminBarHeight() || self.page_top_offset <= scroll_top) {
if (!$page_top.hasClass("fixed-pos")) {
$page_top.css('top', theme.adminBarHeight());
$main.css('padding-top', $page_top.outerHeight());
} else {
if ($page_top.hasClass("fixed-pos")) {
$page_top.attr('style', '');
$main.attr('style', '');
$main.css('min-height', window.innerHeight - theme.adminBarHeight() - $('.page-top:not(.fixed-pos)').height() - $('.footer-wrapper').height());
return self;
reset: function() {
var self = this;
if (theme.isTablet()) {
self.$side_nav.attr('style', '');
} else {
var w_h = window.innerHeight,
$side_bottom = self.$side_nav.find('.side-bottom');
'min-height': w_h - theme.adminBarHeight(),
'padding-bottom': $side_bottom.length ? $side_bottom.height() + parseInt($side_bottom.css('margin-top')) + parseInt($side_bottom.css('margin-bottom')) : ''
var appVersion = navigator.appVersion;
var webkitVersion_positionStart = appVersion.indexOf("AppleWebKit/") + 12;
var webkitVersion_positionEnd = webkitVersion_positionStart + 3;
var webkitVersion = appVersion.slice(webkitVersion_positionStart,webkitVersion_positionEnd);
if (webkitVersion < 537) {
self.$side_nav.css('-webkit-backface-visibility', 'hidden');
self.$side_nav.css('-webkit-perspective', '1000');
var $page_top = $('.page-top'),
$main = $('#main');
if ($page_top.length) {
$page_top.attr('style', '');
$main.attr('style', '');
self.page_top_offset = $page_top.offset().top;
return self;
events: function() {
var self = this;
$(window).on('resize', function() {
window.addEventListener('scroll', function() {
}, {passive: true});
if ($('.side-header-narrow-bar-top').length) {
if ($(window).scrollTop() > theme.adminBarHeight() + $('.side-header-narrow-bar-top').height()) {
window.addEventListener('scroll', function() {
var scroll_top = $(this).scrollTop();
if (scroll_top > theme.adminBarHeight() + $('.side-header-narrow-bar-top').height()) {
} else {
}, {passive: true});
// Side Narrow Bar
$('.side-header-narrow-bar .hamburguer-btn').on('click', function() {
if ($(this).closest('.side-header-narrow-bar-top').length && !$('#header > .hamburguer-btn').length) {
$('.hamburguer-close').on('click', function(){
$('.side-header-narrow-bar .hamburguer-btn').trigger('click');
return self;
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Search
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
$.extend(theme, {
Search: {
defaults: {
popup: $('.searchform-popup'),
form: $('.searchform')
initialize: function($popup, $form) {
this.$popup = ($popup || this.defaults.popup);
this.$form = ($form || this.defaults.form);
return this;
build: function() {
var self = this;
/* Change search form values */
var $search_form_texts = self.$form.find('.text input'),
$search_form_cats = self.$form.find('.cat');
if ($('.header-wrapper .searchform .cat').get(0) && $.fn.selectric) {
$('.header-wrapper .searchform .cat').selectric({
arrowButtonMarkup: '',
expandToItemText: true,
maxHeight: 240
$search_form_texts.on('change', function() {
var $this = $(this),
val = $this.val();
$search_form_texts.each(function() {
if ($this != $(this)) $(this).val(val);
$search_form_cats.on('change', function() {
var $this = $(this),
val = $this.val();
$search_form_cats.each(function() {
if ($this != $(this)) $(this).val(val);
return this;
events: function() {
var self = this;
self.$popup.on('click', function(e) {
self.$popup.find('.search-toggle').on('click', function(e) {
if ($(this).hasClass('opened')) {
if (self.$popup.find('.btn-close-search-form').length) {
$('html,body').on('click', function() {
if (!('ontouchstart' in document)) {
$(window).on('resize', function() {
$('.btn-close-search-form').on('click', function(e) {
return self;
removeFormStyle: function() {
if (this.$popup.find('.btn-close-search-form').length) {
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Hash Scroll
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
$.extend(theme, {
HashScroll: {
initialize: function() {
return this;
build: function() {
var self = this;
try {
var hash = window.location.hash;
var target = $(hash);
if (target.length && !(hash == '#review_form' || hash == '#reviews' || hash.indexOf('#comment-') != -1)) {
$('html, body').delay(600).stop().animate({
scrollTop: target.offset().top - theme.StickyHeader.sticky_height - theme.adminBarHeight() - theme.sticky_nav_height + 1
}, 600, 'easeOutQuad', function() {
return self;
} catch (err) {
return self;
getTarget: function(href) {
if ('#' == href || href.endsWith('#')) {
return false;
var target;
if (href.indexOf('#') == 0) {
target = $(href);
} else {
var url = window.location.href;
url = url.substring(url.indexOf('://') + 3);
if (url.indexOf('#') != -1)
url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf('#'));
href = href.substring(href.indexOf('://') + 3);
href = href.substring(href.indexOf(url) + url.length);
if (href.indexOf('#') == 0) {
target = $(href);
return target;
activeMenuItem: function() {
var self = this;
var scroll_pos = $(window).scrollTop();
var $menu_items = $('.menu-item > a[href*="#"], .porto-sticky-nav .nav > li > a[href*="#"]');
if ($menu_items.length) {
$menu_items.each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
href = $this.attr('href'),
target = self.getTarget(href);
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var scroll_to = target.offset().top - theme.StickyHeader.sticky_height - theme.adminBarHeight() - theme.sticky_nav_height + 1,
$parent = $this.parent();
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//scroll_to = theme.StickyHeader.sticky_pos + theme.sticky_nav_height + 1;
if (scroll_to <= scroll_pos + 5) {
if ($parent.closest('.secondary-menu').length) {
} else {
return self;
events: function() {
var self = this;
$('.menu-item > a[href*="#"], .porto-sticky-nav .nav > li > a[href*="#"], a[href*="#"].hash-scroll, .hash-scroll-wrap a[href*="#"]').on('click', function(e) {
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href = $this.attr('href'),
target = self.getTarget(href);
if (target && target.get(0)) {
var $parent = $this.parent();
var scroll_to = target.offset().top - theme.StickyHeader.sticky_height - theme.adminBarHeight() - theme.sticky_nav_height + 1;
// if (scroll_to <= theme.StickyHeader.sticky_pos + theme.sticky_nav_height) {
// scroll_to = theme.StickyHeader.sticky_pos + theme.sticky_nav_height + 1;
// }
$('html, body').stop().animate({
scrollTop: scroll_to
}, 600, 'easeOutQuad', function() {
if ($this.closest('.porto-popup-menu.opened').length) {
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window.location.href = $this.attr('href');
window.addEventListener('scroll', function() {
}, {passive: true});
return self;
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Sort Filter
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
$.extend(theme, {
SortFilter: {
defaults: {
filters: '.porto-sort-filters ul',
elements: '.porto-sort-container .row'
initialize: function($elements, $filters) {
this.$elements = ($elements || $(this.defaults.elements));
this.$filters = ($filters || $(this.defaults.filters));
return this;
build: function() {
var self = this;
self.$elements.each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
itemSelector: '.porto-sort-item',
layoutMode: 'masonry',
getSortData: {
popular: '[data-popular] parseInt'
sortBy: 'popular',
isOriginLeft : !theme.rtl
$this.isotope('on', 'layoutComplete', function() {
$this.waitForImages(function() {
if ($this.data('isotope')) {
self.$filters.each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var id = $this.attr('data-sort-id');
var $container = $('#' + id);
if ($container.length) {
$this.on('click', 'li', function(e) {
var $that = $(this);
var sortByValue = $that.attr('data-sort-by');
$container.isotope({sortBy: sortByValue});
var filterByValue = $that.attr('data-filter-by');
if (filterByValue) {
$container.isotope({filter: filterByValue});
} else {
$container.isotope({filter: '.porto-sort-item'});
return self;
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
* Footer Reveal
(function($) {
var $footerReveal = {
$wrapper: $('.footer-reveal'),
init: function() {
var self = this;
build: function() {
var self = this,
footer_height = self.$wrapper.outerHeight(true),
window_height = window.innerHeight - theme.adminBarHeight();
if ($('#header .header-main').length) {
window_height -= $('#header .header-main').height();
if( footer_height > window_height ) {
$('.page-wrapper').css('margin-bottom', 0);
} else {
$('.page-wrapper').css('margin-bottom', footer_height);
events: function() {
var self = this,
$window = $(window);
if( $('.footer-reveal').get(0) ) {
// Float Element
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__floatElement';
var PluginFloatElement = function($el, opts) {
return this.initialize($el, opts);
PluginFloatElement.defaults = {
startPos: 'top',
speed: 3,
horizontal: false,
transition: false,
transitionDelay: 0,
transitionDuration: 500
PluginFloatElement.prototype = {
initialize: function($el, opts) {
if ($el.data(instanceName)) {
return this;
this.$el = $el;
return this;
setData: function() {
this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this;
setOptions: function(opts) {
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginFloatElement.defaults, opts, {
wrapper: this.$el
return this;
build: function() {
var self = this,
$el = this.options.wrapper,
$window = $(window),
if( self.options.style ) {
$el.attr('style', self.options.style);
if( $window.width() > 767 ) {
// Set Start Position
if( self.options.startPos == 'none' ) {
minus = '';
} else if( self.options.startPos == 'top' ) {
top: 0
minus = '';
} else {
bottom: 0
minus = '-';
// Set Transition
if( self.options.transition ) {
transition: 'ease-out transform '+ self.options.transitionDuration +'ms ' + self.options.transitionDelay + 'ms'
// First Load
// Scroll
window.addEventListener('scroll', function(){
}, {passive: true});
return this;
movement: function(minus) {
var self = this,
$el = this.options.wrapper,
$window = $(window),
scrollTop = $window.scrollTop(),
elementOffset = $el.offset().top,
currentElementOffset = (elementOffset - scrollTop);
var scrollPercent = 100 * currentElementOffset / ($window.height());
if( $el.visible( true ) ) {
if( !self.options.horizontal ) {
transform: 'translate3d(0, '+ minus + scrollPercent / self.options.speed +'%, 0)'
} else {
transform: 'translate3d('+ minus + scrollPercent / self.options.speed +'%, '+ minus + scrollPercent / self.options.speed +'%, 0)'
// expose to scope
$.extend(theme, {
PluginFloatElement: PluginFloatElement
// jquery plugin
$.fn.themePluginFloatElement = function(opts) {
return this.map(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) {
return $this.data(instanceName);
} else {
return new PluginFloatElement($this, opts);
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Init Theme
function porto_init($wrap) {
'use strict';
if (!$wrap) {
$wrap = jQuery(document.body);
(function ($) {
// Accordion
if ($.isFunction($.fn.themeAccordion)) {
$(function() {
$wrap.find('.accordion:not(.manual)').each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
var pluginOptions = $this.data('plugin-options');
if (pluginOptions)
opts = pluginOptions;
// Accordion Menu
if ($.isFunction($.fn.themeAccordionMenu)) {
$(function() {
$wrap.find('.accordion-menu:not(.manual)').each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
var pluginOptions = $this.data('plugin-options');
if (pluginOptions)
opts = pluginOptions;
// Animate
if ($.isFunction($.fn.themeAnimate)) {
$(function() {
$wrap.find('[data-plugin-animate], [data-appear-animation]').each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
var pluginOptions = $this.data('plugin-options');
if (pluginOptions) {
if (typeof pluginOptions == 'string') {
opts = JSON.parse(pluginOptions.replace(/'/g,'"').replace(';',''));
} else {
opts = pluginOptions;
// Carousel
if ($.isFunction($.fn.themeCarousel)) {
$(function() {
if (!window.parent.document.getElementById('vcv-layout')) {
$wrap.find('.vc-porto-carousel-wrapper .porto-carousel.manual').removeClass('manual');
// Carousel Lazyload images
var portoCarouselInit = function(e) {
var $this = $(e.currentTarget);
if ($this.find('.owl-item.cloned').length) {
$this.find('.porto-lazyload:not(.lazy-load-loaded)').themePluginLazyLoad({effect: 'fadeIn', effect_speed: 400});
setTimeout(function() {
var $hiddenItems = $this.find('.owl-item:not(.active)');
if (!$('html').hasClass('no-csstransitions') && window.innerWidth > 767) {
$hiddenItems.find('.appear-animation').each(function() {
var $el = $(this),
delay = Math.abs($el.data('appear-animation-delay') ? $el.data('appear-animation-delay') : 0);
if (delay > 1) {
this.style.animationDelay = delay + 'ms';
var duration = Math.abs($el.data('appear-animation-duration') ? $el.data('appear-animation-duration') : 1000);
if (1000 != duration) {
this.style.animationDuration = duration + 'ms';
if (window.innerWidth >= 1200) {
}, 300);
var portoCarouselTranslated = function(e) {
var $this = $(e.currentTarget);
if (window.innerWidth > 767) {
if ($this.find('.owl-item.cloned').length && $this.find('.appear-animation:not(.appear-animation-visible)').length) {
var $active = $this.find('.owl-item.active');
if ($active.hasClass('translating')) {
if (window.innerWidth > 767) {
// WPBakery
$active.find('.appear-animation').each(function () {
var $animation_item = $(this),
anim_name = $animation_item.data('appear-animation');
$animation_item.addClass(anim_name + ' appear-animation-visible');
// Elementor
$active.find('.slide-animate').each(function () {
var $animation_item = $(this),
settings = $animation_item.data('settings');
if (settings && (settings._animation || settings.animation)) {
var animation = settings._animation || settings.animation,
delay = settings._animation_delay || settings.animation_delay || 0;
theme.requestTimeout(function() {
$animation_item.removeClass('elementor-invisible').addClass('animated ' + animation);
}, delay);
// Visual Composer
if (window.innerWidth >= 1200) {
$active.find('[data-vce-animate]').each(function () {
var $animation_item = $(this);
if ($animation_item.data('porto-origin-anim')) {
var anim_name = $animation_item.data('porto-origin-anim');
$animation_item.attr('data-vce-animate', anim_name).attr('data-vcv-o-animated', true);
var duration = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(this)[ 'animationDuration' ]) * 1000,
delay = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(this)[ 'animationDelay' ]) * 1000;
window.setTimeout(function() {
$animation_item.attr('data-vcv-o-animated-fully', true);
}, delay + duration + 5);
var portoCarouselTranslateVC = function(e) {
var $this = $(e.currentTarget);
if (window.innerWidth >= 1200) {
$this.find('[data-vce-animate]').each(function () {
var $animation_item = $(this);
$animation_item.data('porto-origin-anim', $animation_item.data('vce-animate')).attr('data-vce-animate', '');
var portoCarouselTranslateElementor = function(e) {
var $this = $(e.currentTarget);
$this.find('.owl-item:not(.active) .slide-animate').addClass('elementor-invisible');
$this.find('.slide-animate').each(function () {
var $animation_item = $(this),
settings = $animation_item.data('settings');
if (settings._animation || settings.animation) {
$animation_item.removeClass(settings._animation || settings.animation);
var portoCarouselTranslateWPB = function(e) {
if (window.innerWidth > 767) {
var $this = $(e.currentTarget);
$this.find('.appear-animation').each(function () {
var $animation_item = $(this);
var carouselItems = $wrap.find('.owl-carousel:not(.manual)');
carouselItems.on('initialized.owl.carousel refreshed.owl.carousel', portoCarouselInit).on('translated.owl.carousel', portoCarouselTranslated);
carouselItems.filter(function() {
if ($(this).find('[data-vce-animate]').length) {
return true;
return false;
}).on('translate.owl.carousel', portoCarouselTranslateVC);
carouselItems.filter(function() {
var $anim_obj = $(this).find('.elementor-invisible');
if ($anim_obj.length) {
return true;
return false;
}).on('translate.owl.carousel', portoCarouselTranslateElementor);
carouselItems.filter(function() {
if ($(this).find('.appear-animation').length) {
return true;
return false;
}).on('translate.owl.carousel', portoCarouselTranslateWPB);
$wrap.find('[data-plugin-carousel]:not(.manual), .porto-carousel:not(.manual)').each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
var pluginOptions = $this.data('plugin-options');
if (pluginOptions)
opts = pluginOptions;
// Chart.Circular
if ($.isFunction($.fn.themeChartCircular)) {
$(function() {
$wrap.find('[data-plugin-chart-circular]:not(.manual), .circular-bar-chart:not(.manual)').each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
var pluginOptions = $this.data('plugin-options');
if (pluginOptions)
opts = pluginOptions;
// Fit Video
if ($.isFunction($.fn.themeFitVideo)) {
$(function() {
$wrap.find('.fit-video:not(.manual)').each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
var pluginOptions = $this.data('plugin-options');
if (pluginOptions)
opts = pluginOptions;
// Video Background
if ($.isFunction($.fn.themePluginVideoBackground)) {
$(function() {
$wrap.find('[data-plugin-video-background]:not(.manual)').each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
var pluginOptions = JSON.parse($this.data('plugin-options').replace(/'/g,'"').replace(';',''));
if (pluginOptions)
opts = pluginOptions;
// Flickr Zoom
if ($.isFunction($.fn.themeFlickrZoom)) {
$(function() {
$wrap.find('.wpb_flickr_widget:not(.manual)').each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
var pluginOptions = $this.data('plugin-options');
if (pluginOptions)
opts = pluginOptions;
// Lazy Load
if ($.isFunction($.fn.themePluginLazyLoad)) {
$(function() {
$wrap.find('[data-plugin-lazyload]:not(.manual)').each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
var pluginOptions = $this.data('plugin-options');
if (pluginOptions)
opts = pluginOptions;
$wrap.find('.porto-lazyload').filter(function() {
if ($(this).data('__lazyload') || ($(this).closest('.owl-carousel').length && $(this).closest('.owl-carousel').find('.owl-item.cloned').length)) {
return false;
return true;
}).themePluginLazyLoad({effect: 'fadeIn', effect_speed: 400});
if ($wrap.find('.porto-lazyload').closest('.nivoSlider').length) {
theme.requestTimeout(function() {
$wrap.find('.nivoSlider').each(function() {
if ($(this).find('.porto-lazyload').length) {
$(this).closest('.nivoSlider').find('.nivo-main-image').attr('src', $(this).closest('.nivoSlider').find('.porto-lazyload').eq(0).attr('src'));
}, 100);
if ($wrap.find('.porto-lazyload').closest('.porto-carousel-wrapper').length) {
theme.requestTimeout(function() {
$wrap.find('.porto-carousel-wrapper').each(function() {
if ($(this).find('.porto-lazyload:not(.lazy-load-loaded)').length) {
$(this).find('.slick-list').css('height', 'auto');
}, 100);
// Masonry
if ($.isFunction($.fn.themeMasonry)) {
$(function() {
$wrap.find('[data-plugin-masonry]:not(.manual)').each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
if ($this.hasClass('elementor-row')) {
var pluginOptions = $this.data('plugin-options');
if (pluginOptions)
opts = pluginOptions;
$wrap.find('.posts-masonry .posts-container:not(.manual)').each(function() {
var pluginOptions = $(this).data('plugin-options');
if (!pluginOptions) {
pluginOptions = {};
pluginOptions.itemSelector = '.post';
$wrap.find('.page-portfolios .portfolio-row:not(.manual)').each(function() {
if ( $(this).closest('.porto-grid-container').length > 0 || typeof $(this).attr('data-plugin-masonry') != 'undefined' ) {
var $parent = $(this).parent(), layoutMode = 'masonry', options, columnWidth = '.portfolio:not(.w2)', timer = null;
if ($parent.hasClass('portfolios-grid')) {
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} else if ($parent.hasClass('portfolios-masonry')) {
options = {
itemSelector: '.portfolio',
layoutMode: layoutMode,
callback: function() {
timer && clearTimeout(timer);
timer = setTimeout(function() {
}, 400);
if (layoutMode == 'masonry') {
if (!$parent.find('.portfolio:not(.w2)').length)
columnWidth = '.portfolio';
options = $.extend(true, {}, options, {
masonry: { columnWidth: columnWidth }
$wrap.find('.page-members .member-row:not(.manual)').each(function() {
itemSelector: '.member',
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callback: function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 400);
// Preview Image
if ($.isFunction($.fn.themePreviewImage)) {
$(function() {
$wrap.find('.thumb-info-preview .thumb-info-image:not(.manual)').each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
var pluginOptions = $this.data('plugin-options');
if (pluginOptions)
opts = pluginOptions;
// Refresh Video Size
if ($.isFunction($.fn.themeRefreshVideoSize)) {
$(function() {
$wrap.find('.video-cover:not(.manual) .upb_video-bg').each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
var pluginOptions = $this.data('plugin-options');
if (pluginOptions)
opts = pluginOptions;
// Toggle
if ($.isFunction($.fn.themeToggle)) {
$(function() {
$wrap.find('section.toggle:not(.manual)').each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
var pluginOptions = $this.data('plugin-options');
if (pluginOptions)
opts = pluginOptions;
// Parallax
if ($.isFunction($.fn.themeParallax)) {
$(function() {
$wrap.find('[data-plugin-parallax]:not(.manual)').each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
var pluginOptions = $this.data('plugin-options');
if (pluginOptions)
opts = pluginOptions;
// Sticky
if ($.isFunction($.fn.themeSticky)) {
$(function() {
$wrap.find('[data-plugin-sticky]:not(.manual), .porto-sticky:not(.manual), .porto-sticky-nav:not(.manual)').each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
var pluginOptions = $this.data('plugin-options');
if (pluginOptions)
opts = pluginOptions;
if ($this.is(':visible')) {
// Float Element
if ($.isFunction($.fn['themePluginFloatElement'])) {
$(function() {
$wrap.find('[data-plugin-float-element]:not(.manual)').each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
var pluginOptions = $this.data('plugin-options');
if (pluginOptions)
opts = pluginOptions;
if (typeof opts == 'string') {
try {
opts = JSON.parse(opts.replace(/'/g,'"').replace(';',''));
} catch(e) {}
/* Common */
// Tooltip
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$wrap.find("[data-tooltip]:not(.manual), [data-toggle='tooltip']:not(.manual), .star-rating:not(.manual)").tooltip();
// bootstrap popover
// Tabs
$wrap.find('a[data-toggle="tab"]').off('shown.bs.tab').on('shown.bs.tab', function (e) {
if($.fn.vcwaypoint) {
// Progress bar tooltip
$wrap.find('.vc_progress_bar').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if (!$this.find('.progress-bar-tooltip').length) {
$this.vcwaypoint(function() {
var $tooltips = $this.find('.progress-bar-tooltip'),
index = 0,
count = $tooltips.length;
function loop() {
theme.requestTimeout(function() {
opacity: 1
}, 200);
if (index < count) {
}, {
offset: '85%'
// Fixed video
$wrap.find('.video-fixed').each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
$video = $this.find('video, iframe');
if ($video.length) {
window.addEventListener('scroll', function() {
var offset = $(window).scrollTop() - $this.position().top + theme.adminBarHeight();
$video.css("cssText", "top: " + offset + "px !important;");
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// Thumb Gallery
$wrap.find('.thumb-gallery-thumbs').each(function() {
var $thumbs = $(this),
$detail = $thumbs.parent().find('.thumb-gallery-detail'),
flag = false,
duration = 300;
if ($thumbs.data('initThumbs'))
$detail.on('changed.owl.carousel', function(e) {
if (!flag) {
flag = true;
var len = $detail.find('.owl-item').length,
cloned = $detail.find('.cloned').length;
if (len) {
$thumbs.trigger('to.owl.carousel', [(e.item.index - cloned / 2 - 1) % len, duration, true]);
flag = false;
$thumbs.on('changed.owl.carousel', function(e) {
if (!flag) {
flag = true;
var len = $thumbs.find('.owl-item').length,
cloned = $thumbs.find('.cloned').length;
if (len) {
$detail.trigger('to.owl.carousel', [(e.item.index - cloned / 2) % len, duration, true]);
flag = false;
}).on('click', '.owl-item', function() {
if (!flag) {
flag = true;
var len = $thumbs.find('.owl-item').length,
cloned = $thumbs.find('.cloned').length;
if (len) {
$detail.trigger('to.owl.carousel', [($(this).index() - cloned / 2) % len, duration, true]);
flag = false;
}).data('initThumbs', true);
jQuery(document.body).trigger('porto_init', [$wrap]);
(function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
$(document).ready(function() {
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window.innerHeight = $(window).height();
$(window).on('resize', function() {
window.innerWidth = $(window).width() + theme.getScrollbarWidth();
window.innerHeight = $(window).height();
// Init Porto Theme
// Scroll to Top
if (typeof theme.ScrollToTop !== 'undefined') {
// Mega Menu
if (typeof theme.MegaMenu !== 'undefined') {
// Sidebar Menu
if (typeof theme.SidebarMenu !== 'undefined') {
// Overlay Menu
if ($('.porto-popup-menu').length) {
$('.porto-popup-menu .hamburguer-btn').on('click', function(e) {
var $this = $(this);
if ($('.porto-popup-menu-spacer').length) {
} else {
theme.requestFrame(function() {
$('.porto-popup-menu .main-menu').scrollbar();
$('.porto-popup-menu li.menu-item-has-children > a').on('click', function(e) {
// Lazy load Menu
if (js_porto_vars.lazyload_menu) {
var menu_type, $menu_obj, porto_menu_loaded = false;
if ($('.secondary-menu.mega-menu').length) {
menu_type = 'secondary_menu';
$menu_obj = $('.mega-menu.main-menu');
} else if ($('.mega-menu.main-menu').length) {
menu_type = 'main_menu';
$menu_obj = $('.mega-menu.main-menu');
} else if ($('.toggle-menu-wrap .sidebar-menu').length) {
menu_type = 'toggle_menu';
$menu_obj = $('.toggle-menu-wrap .sidebar-menu');
} else if ($('.main-sidebar-menu .sidebar-menu').length) {
menu_type = 'sidebar_menu';
$menu_obj = $('.main-sidebar-menu .sidebar-menu');
} else if ($('.header-side-nav .sidebar-menu').length) {
menu_type = 'header_side_menu';
$menu_obj = $('.header-side-nav .sidebar-menu');
if ('pageload' == js_porto_vars.lazyload_menu) {
theme.lazyload_menu($menu_obj, menu_type);
} else if ('firsthover' == js_porto_vars.lazyload_menu) {
$menu_obj.one('mouseenter', 'li.menu-item-has-children', function() {
if (porto_menu_loaded) {
return true;
theme.lazyload_menu($menu_obj, menu_type);
porto_menu_loaded = true;
// Side Navigation
if (typeof theme.SideNav !== 'undefined') {
// Sticky Header
if (typeof theme.StickyHeader !== 'undefined') {
// Search
if (typeof theme.Search !== 'undefined') {
// Hash Scroll
if (typeof theme.HashScroll !== 'undefined') {
// Sort Filter
if (typeof theme.SortFilter !== 'undefined') {
// Mobile Sidebar
// filter popup events
$(document).on('click', '.sidebar-toggle', function(e) {
var $html = $('html');
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if ($html.hasClass('filter-sidebar-opened')) {
} else {
} else {
if ($html.hasClass('sidebar-opened')) {
} else {
$('.minicart-offcanvas .cart-head').on('click', function() {
$('.minicart-offcanvas .minicart-overlay').on('click', function() {
$(document.body).on('click', '.sidebar-overlay', function() {
$(window).on('resize', function() {
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// Common
// Match Height
if ($.isFunction($.fn.matchHeight)) {
$('.tabs-simple .featured-box .box-content').matchHeight();
$('.porto-content-box .featured-box .box-content').matchHeight();
// WhatsApp Sharing
if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ) {
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